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Al-Arba'in Collection Of 40 Hadiths on Ramadhan *Special* - Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam

Here are a collection of 40 ahadith specifically relating to Ramadhan. A must listen for all. Each hadith is read in Arabic, translated and presented along with a short yet comprehensive summary. Going through them in the first few days of this blessed month will help one to truly appreciate the month and increase ones potential of reaping the great benefits of Ramadhan.

Click on each hadith to be forwarded to the hadith:

[CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"][URL=""]Hadith 1[/URL]

[URL=" u/1/URQ1XkYC0tw"]Hadith 2[/URL]

[URL=" u/2/PSEbniKurT4"]Hadith 3[/URL]



The Lets Talk show by The Revival team is back on Mashal Radio on 87.7 FM and

Tune in every night after Tarawih salah about 11.30pm

We will be discussing all the hot issues from Marriage to EDL, Sex Education in mosques to sexual abuse in Muslim community, Mosques and Imams to Gang culture... and more!

So tune in, phone in, text in and even take part as aa guest in the studio or on the phone.

For any queries or to get involved email:


Can Muslims be loyal citizens of non-Muslim countries?

Ummah is not a simplistic Muslim political bloc in the Qur’an & Hadith. It is used at times to mean the faithful, as in the verse, “You are the best nation” (Al-Imran or the Family of Imran), although even Umar was said to have held the view that this referred primarily to the Companions. Sometimes in the political sense it does not imply folk of one religion only, but rather society as a whole, composed of different religions – as in the Sunnah description of the Jews and Muslims of Madinah as one Ummah (nation), separate from all other nations (ref: the Mithaq or Covenant of Madinah).

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How do I go about starting to increase my islamic knowledge??

Ok, so I want to start gradually increasing my knowledge about islam. When I ask my mum she gets abit excited and tells me loads of things to read and really doesnt make sense. I just wanna know some simple daily surahs and stuff to read in the morning and evening and any good ones to read after namaaz and the benefits they have.

Also are there any good websites anyone could recommend for some nice islamic stories, just so I can get into it all more. If anyones got any ideas please let me know.


Al Hidayah Magazine

Noor mentioned on Tribune yesterday that at Al Hidayah, a new magazine was launched.

A free magazine aimed at university students.

Has Anyone received a copy/seen it etc?

If so, what are your opinions of it?

If there is a pdf or an online version of it, it would be interesting to have a gander at it too.

Stop! it's Makkah Time!

You can't touch this!

Saudi Arabia seeks Muslim alternative to GMT

The launch of the giant new clock tower in Makkah could establish the site as alternative time zone to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) for the world’s Muslims.

Saudi Arabia is hoping that the landmark project will encourage Muslims to set their watches to the time shown on the faces that sit more than 400m over the Holy Haram courtyard of Islam’s holiest site, AFP has reported.

Read more @
