- Which issue has been going on longer? - 57 votes - closed
- Which portrayal of Muslims on TV is more cringe? - 9 votes - closed
- How integrated are you? - 32 votes - closed
- Why have you visited this website? - 634 votes - open
- Do you feel safe given the rise of Islamophobic attacks across the country? - 732 votes - open
- Is social media a problem? - 267 votes - open
- What do you think of Trump's #MuslimBan? - 86 votes - closed
- Do you intend to take part in the EU Referendum? - 69 votes - closed
- Do you trust the police to adequately handle complaints of extremism? - 44 votes - closed
- Why are burly men carrying out Islamophobic attacks on Muslim Women? - 23 votes - closed
- Who would win in a fight? - 25 votes - closed
- Is the Prime Minister right to target Segregation in Muslim Communities - 61 votes - closed
- What do you make of the idea of an Abaya/Hijab collection by Dolce & Gabanna? - 777 votes - open
- Does this advert offend you - 14 votes - closed
- Muslim tracking database - 37 votes - closed