Copyright policy

The authors, designers and other contributors have put in a lot of effort into their work that is available through The Revival. We wish all contributions are fully recognised.

Using our content

You may link to us freely. However, prior permission is required if you wish to use our original content elsewhere. Please contact us for further details.

Once permission has been sought and granted, no changes are allowed to the content without our or the author's express authorisation. This simply because we never want to be taken out of context.

Found material incorrectly sourced by us?

While we try our best to make sure all content is correctly sourced, licensed and used, errors can be made. if you spot any mistakes, misdirections or other errors, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please make sure you mention the page link and if possible also the correct information as to the source and anything else that may be necessary.

The Revival Design/Graphics

The Revival logo, Magazine design and front covers are exclusively designed for The Revival. If you like the design team's work, please contact us. Consent for using these designs would be needed from the design team.

If you would like to benefit from the same design team as we do, please do not hesitate to contact us.