
We need to start discussing and learning about Jihad

The Anarchist's Cookbook

Over the past few years I think the mainstream Muslim community has started to shy away about discussing Jihad.

I am not talking about the struggle against your own soul, but war.

Islam has pragmatism and it understands that pacifism is not always the right answer. The revelation of the verses relating to Jihad were not easy and occurred after the Muslims had been oppressed severely for a long period of time.

As terrorism has become more prevalent, more and more people seem to shy away from discussing the topic, hoping to not ruffle any feathers, to not be misquoted and not be harrassed by any extremism government policies.

The delinquents of ISIS

The news is full about the horrendous acts of mass murder that occurred in Brussels on Tuesday.

Following the attacks, some commentators from the right or far right wing were quick to link the tragedy recent Syrian refugees which have recently arrived in Europe in large numbers. Some even suggested that those that supported a humanitarian response to the events in Syria had blood on their hands.

Today it has been confirmed that the bombers were Belgian citizens who had not travelled from Syria - one had attempted to travel but was arrested and then returned to Belgium by Turkey last summer. These individuals were delinquents already known by the Belgian Security Services for petty crime

"Police, STOP!"

Militarised Police

Imagine a scene from any police show. Police officer is outside home of a suspect of some random crime. Suspect sees officer, starts running. Officer give chase, pulls gun. Due to no clear line of sight or presence of others that can be injured, officer heroically decides not to shoot. Story moves along.

How many times have people seen the above without any quesiton of what is actually being displayed?

Granted, this is fictional and not the real police, but it has become normal to expect such behaviour is American copy shows. No one will think that there is something wrong with the actions of the police in the above scenario.

Manchester girl, 16, pleads guilty to terror charges

The Anarchist's Cookbook

BBC News reports that an unnamed 16 year old girl from Manchester has pled guilty to 2 counts of terrorism charges related to posessing documents that were likely to be of use to a person preparing or committing an act of terrorism.

This is linked to the arrest of a 14 year old boy from Blackburn who had previously pleaded guilty to terrorism charges.

There are no specifics, and the article stated that no evidence was found that the girl was aware or played any part in the Anzac Day plot or any plan to harm others or incite terrorism in the UK or elsewhere, the court was told.

Reports: Three-year-old child from London placed in government anti-extremism programme

You know something is wrong with the system when a 3 year old is flagged up by it:

A three-year-old child from London is one of hundreds of young people in the capital who have been tipped as potential future radicals and extremists.

As reported by the Evening Standard, 1,069 people have been put in the government's anti-extremism 'Channel' process, the de-radicalisation programme at the heart of the Government's 'Prevent' strategy.

Read More @ The Independent

Must Read: How the FBI set up Duka Brothers in manufactured terror plot

In 2007, five men were arrested and accused of plotting to attack the Fort Dix military base near Trenton, New Jersey. Among them were the brothers Dritan, Shain and Eljvir Duka. Their case involved highly paid government informants with criminal histories, one of whom worked over the course of roughly 18 months to attempt to implicate them in a plot. Though none of the Duka brothers would ever plan any putative plot, they were ultimately all sentenced to life in prison. They remain incarcerated today.

Watch the short documentary: Entrapped

ISIS? Its YOUR fault!

Yes you, yours.

If you ever thought the Iraq war was wrong or questioned the proxies operating in Syria, you are to blame for Syria.

The security services, military interventions or intelligence agencies? they are blameless.

It is not just Syria. The current chaos in Libya, that is also your fault.

If you ever suggested that meddling in Libya was a bad idea, what were you thinking!?!

You have created a monster that our beloved intelligence services now have to deal with and clean up your mess.

Forget that we were lied to about Libya, it wasn't your place to question those lies.

Now, its your fault that the world has gone to pot.

Know your place, pleb!
