Forum Topics

Domino's Pizza scraps halal menu

Domino's Pizza, which was among the first fast food outlets in Britain to serve halal-only takeaways, has ditched the menu after poor sales.

The chain enraged customers 18 months ago by completely removing pork from its pizzas in favour of halal-only meat at its branch in Hall Green, Birmingham.

But the pizza firm have been forced into an embarrassing U-turn back to their original menu due to poor sales.

Read more @ The Telegraph

Rise of the Mamils (middle-aged men in lycra)

Flashy sports cars are out, now no mid-life crisis is complete without a souped-up road bike. Why?

Every weekend, across the nation's rolling countryside, watch out for the Mamils: middle-aged men in lycra.

And ladies, if you have a man at home taking an unusual interest in how you shave your legs, you may have a Mamil in the making too.

Research conducted by the retail analyst Mintel suggests there has been a surge in the number of middle-aged men choosing to get on two wheels.

Read more @ BBC News

What makes a scholar?

Is there a definition out there? Who qualifies and who doesnt?

"a scholar should know arabic. Should know the basic of fiqh (usoolul figh) and should know about Fiqh in details, about the 4 school of thoughts and what they have brought into the religion, he should understand the issue he is being asked about and be able to visualise it in 360 degree, if he doesnt know what the questionner is talking about he should research and inform himself."

this is my simplified version from a talk i heard, this is the "definition" Sheikh Aseem AlHakeem gave (simplified by me). I think its a pretty good definition, but you know me...

So...Would you agree?

PS: whats usoolulfiqh?

"Keeping good company will make you a better person"

Do you think it is true, that if you surround yourself with good company, you will benefit from it yourself?

I do know that being around positive people can make others feel positive and also there is the issue of peer pressure.

Is a good way to becoming a better muslim finding good/better company?

and what about the better company itself - would they suddenly be surrounded by worse company because they are aroudn you? How will this affect them?

"It's not a jinn possession, it is Class A drugs"

Just something that was mentioned on the Let's talk show today...

Some kid was on Class A drugs, but the parents thought the person was possessed.

The support worker had to explain to the parents that it was drugs but the parents did not accept it easily "that can't be our kid!"

Do you think this could be more common in cases where jinn possession is suspected/inferred?
