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Al-Arba'in - Collection of 40 hadiths on Ramadhan by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari

Al-Arba'in - Collection of 40 hadiths on Ramadhan by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari

A YouTube series special of 40 ahadith on the topic of Ramadhan. Sweet and short reminders comprising a hadith, translation and explanation. We should take time to watch all 40 to make this our best Ramadhan ever!

hadith 1:

hadith 2:

hadith 3:

hadith 4a:

hadith 4b:

hadith 5:

hadith 6:

Timothy Winter: Britain's most influential Muslim - and it was all down to a peach

The theologian is considered more significant within Islam than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He tells Tom Peck why he converted

It was the sight of peach juice dripping from the chin of a teenage French female nudist that led a Cambridgeshire public schoolboy to convert to Islam. Thirty-five years later, Timothy Winter – or Sheikh Abdul-Hakim Murad, as he is known to his colleagues – has been named one of the world's most influential Muslims.

Read more @ The Independent

Fate of Universe revealed by galactic lens

A "galactic lens" has revealed that the Universe will probably expand forever.

Astronomers used the way that light from distant stars was distorted by a huge galactic cluster known as Abell 1689 to work out the amount of dark energy in the cosmos.

Dark energy is a mysterious force that speeds up the expansion of the Universe.

Understanding the distribution of this force revealed that the likely fate of the Universe was to keep on expanding.

It will eventually become a cold, dead wasteland, researchers say.

Read more @ BBC News

UK Muslim Women's Sports Participation Survey

Assalamu Alaikum!

The Muslim Women's Sport Foundation (MWSF) needs your help! We are conducting a short survey to find out how active Muslim women of all ages are in the UK. Whether you exercise 24hrs a day or not at all, please take a few minutes to help us change the future of sporting opportunities for our community by clicking on the link below.

The survey is completely anonymous and will only take 3 minutes to complete but will make a huge difference!

Please forward this email on to all your friends and family - Mum's, Aunties, Sisters, Cousins, Mother/Sister In Laws etc..... This is your chance to HAVE YOUR SAY!!!

A Level and GCSE results days 2010

I believe today is the results day for A Levels.

Reading the Guardian Live blog, it mentions that the pass rate is 97.6%.

The blog does have some remarkable insight into A Levels too:

7.58am: Amusingly, as we are looking for photographs of people receiving their results to beautify this blog - as yet we can only find pictures of girls. By some lucky twist of fate also all appear to be incredibly attractive! I knew A Level students were becoming cleverer by the year, but better looking too? And blonder? Lucky, lucky, Britain.

So anyone here who was expecting results today?

Inshallah it all went well?


My name is Isha al-Maghribi, and I'm a new member of the revival.
I thought I'd just introduce myself as I was advised to do so.
So, yeah,nice to meet you all, and I hope you are people that will hold a significant position in my life, and someone worthy of remembering.
I've been a member for like 3 hours so far, and it's been very welcoming, so shokran for that.
