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Newsnight: Why are Muslim women choosing to wear a niqab?

Why are more British Muslim women opting for the face veil?

Increasing numbers of British Muslim women are choosing to wear the face veil. Two of those women explain to Newsnight why they adopted the niqab when their mothers did not.

Read their accounts and watch the video here



Please please help me find this surah which I heard. I'v gone through so many surrahs trying to find it!

It contained a line like: (please excuse my spelling, I am just typing how I heard it)

* waburri biwanni duttunyi..jabba wa shakiya, ollit-tayoyo ma...

The words "shakeeya" was used a lot in the surrah from what I remember.

Please help me!


Ramadan is not just for one month it is for everyday of our lives!

Ramadan is not just for one month it is for everyday of our lives!

Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb, there are many of us both Muslim men and women who become Ramadan Muslims just for the month of the year.

Just for this one month we blow off the dust on our Qur'an and prayer mats. Some of our sisters put their make up away and bring out the hijaab and jilbaab and put it on for the month.

Then when Eid day comes our brothers get their wacky hairstyles cut many of which are gravity defying and patterns all over their head that even Siberian tigers would be envious of.

Billions of Rewards in Just a Few Seconds!

Billions of Rewards in Just a Few Seconds!

Want to earn rewards that will go into the billions in just a few seconds?

Narrated ‘Ubaadah that the Messenger of Allah said, “Whoever seeks forgiveness for the believing men and believing women, Allah will write for him a good deed for EACH believing man and believing woman.” (Tabarrani)

Subhanallah this deed can be done in EVERY dua and can you imagine how many rewards can be gained for each and every Muslim we make dua for from Adam (As) until now and the last Muslim on earth. This is the easiest way to earn rewards that go into the billions and because it is Ramadan they also get increased so what are we waiting for? Start NOW!!!
