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Job Vacancies for Muslim Women

From another topic:

You wrote:
But since it is medschool, the community needs doctors (it is fardh kifayah for the community to provide the tools that it needs, so if not enough Muslim women study to become doctors and the needs of the community are not met, then the whole community is sinful for it).

I wanna talk about this Biggrin

Police shoot dead 18 during protests in Kashmir

Police have shot dead 18 civilians in the deadliest day in Indian-administered Kashmir since protests erupted three months ago.

A policeman was also killed when he was run over by a lorry.

The BBC's Altaf Hussain in Srinagar says reports of Koran desecration in the US have stoked anger.

Scores of Kashmiris have now died since June, when anti-India protests broke out after police shot dead a teenager.

Read more @ BBC News

4 Muslim guys convicted for thuggish attack on two Muslim girls

Who needs enemies when you have friends like these?

Men from Ilford, Forest Gate, and Tottenham, sentenced after 'thuggish' attack on Muslim sisters in Finchley

A GANG of “thugs” who acted like “a pack of animals” when they attacked two Muslim sisters in their car have been sentenced.

The four men received community orders today at Wood Green Crown Court after being found guilty of affray and criminal damage at an earlier hearing, on August 4.

Jawad Irshad, his brother Hammed Irshad, Shujaur Rehman and Ghurfran Rashed, were arrested on July 13 after reports they had attacked a car along the A406, near Finchley, at about 10pm.

Police said the two sisters had been driving back from university when two cars containing the men drove up alongside them.

Sadaqah al-fitr Reminder

Sadaqah al-fitr Reminder

What is the definition of sadaqah al-fitr?

Sadaqah in the Arabic language is the word for charity and fitr the term for breaking fast, hence this is a form of charity which is given at the end of the blessed month of Ramadhan to mark the festival of ‘Id al-fitr. This type of charity is also referred to as zakah al-fitr in many ahadith.

What is the purpose of sadaqah al-fitr?

US troops 'murdered Afghan civilians and kept body parts'

A group of US soldiers murdered a number of Afghan civilians and took body parts as trophies, documents released by military officials allege.

The charging sheets relate to allegations that five US soldiers were involved in the murders of civilians in January, February and May of this year.

A further seven servicemen are accused of a conspiracy to cover up the crimes.

Read more @ BBC News

Rethinking Islamic Reform: Hamza Yusuf & Tariq Ramadan

The Rethinking Islamic Reform conference, originally held May 26, 2010, features two of the world's foremost Muslim intellectuals as they provide guidance in the ever polemical topic of reform in Islam.

Oxford University Islamic Society is honoured to have hosted Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Hanson (Zaytuna Institute, USA) and Professor Tariq Ramadan (Oxford University, UK) to participate at this ground-breaking conference.


Say YES to Peace.

In the spirit of peace, reconciliation and forgiveness that Ramadan
brings, Adage translation is launching a campaign of global unity, a
call for peace voiced in the words of Prophet Muhammad peace and
blessings of God be upon him.
A universal message, a humanitarian message.
Say yes to peace
Please join us in this campaign, spread the word and reflect on how
you can make a difference on peace day on the 21st of September.!/...46530922026444

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يعود إلينا شهر رمضان في كل عام ليجدد الدعوة إلى السلام والوئام والمغفرة
وهذه الرسالة الإنسانية الخالدة تنقلها لكم أداج للترجمة بكلمات رسولنا الكريم عليه صلاة الله وسلامه طيلة شهر رمضان.
