Forum Topics

Adhaan was performed with Salawat in Ottoman times - an account from Egypt

From Yursil:

Would Muslims of that age even recognize the innovated shortened Azan that we hear today?

The calls during the night are long chants, that of the daytime is much shorter. Mr. Lane renders it thus: ”God is most Great ” (four times repeated). “I testify that there is no deity but God ” (twice). ” I testify that Mohammed is God’s Apostle ” (twice). “Come to prayer ” (twice). “Come to security ” (twice). “God is most Great” (twice). “There is no deity but God.”

The "Grand Designs" appreciation topic

Does anyone watch this?

Its about middle aged men mostly, who have a mid life crisis and decide to build something ludicrous, often with good results. Real achievements even.

(so like "changing rooms" - but for men.)

You can watch some of the episodes on 4oD

Today is was a midlife crisis couple who decided to build an eco home. Their initial budget was £200k, and they in the end spent approximately £340k.

I thought the rooms could have been a bit bigger, morespacious.

Uni fees

Business Secretary Vince Cable has given the government's approval to a report calling for an unlimited level of tuition fees for students.

Mr Cable told the House of Commons he endorsed the "persuasive proposals" of Lord Browne's radical funding reforms.

A backbench rebellion by Lib Dem MPs has been threatened - but Mr Cable defended the plans as "fair and progressive".

Students have warned that raising fees would mean "crippling debts".

Mr Cable told MPs that his previous pledge to scrap fees was "no longer feasible" - and that he saw Lord Browne's proposals to raise fees as "on the right lines".

read the rest here

Marriage expectations

So..what would "high expectations" be for you?

and...we were talking about difference between Criterias and Expectations. So what do you guys think the difference is?

where is the line drawn?

[size=9] dont hate on me for creating a new topic..i just thought it'd be better than posting on an old topic and making it into this LOoooonnng topic that next generation revivalers wont be bothered to read (as i have experienced myself :P) [/size]

THIS SATURDAY: Shaykh Hasan Ali - Troublesome... @ Shahjalal Mosque E12

Assalaamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh



EVENT: Troublesome...Our Youths Journey To Peace Or Peril?

SPEAKER: Shaykh Hasan Ali (Safar Academy, London)

DATE AND TIME: Saturday 16th October 2010 @ 6.15pm after Maghrib

VENUE: Shahjalal Mosque, 722-726 Romford Road, Manor Park, London E12 6BT

Free Admission
All Are Welcome

Brothers Entrance: Romford Road
Sisters Entrance: Third Avenue

Listen on Azaan receiver channel 2 or frequency 454.40625 MHz

Email: [email][/email]

Caravans Of Royal Gifts (Surre Alayi)

The word surre means the gifts and precious goods that were donated by the Sultan and citizens of the Ottoman Empire every year and which were sent to Mecca and Medina during the pilgrimage season.

The Surre caravan was sent along with the pilgrims on the 12 of Rajab, the first of the three blessed months, so that it could arrive in Mecca in time for the pilgrimage. The caravan spent the holy month of Ramadan in Damascus, and then distributed the gifts in Mecca. After performing the pilgrimage, the hajj, the caravan would depart for its return journey.

Religion in everyday life

How much does religion affect your everyday life?

Is it just on a personal level?

Do you find it hard to implement any religious teachings? If yes, what and why?

Do you discuss religion often, with family/friends?

Do you think there's a time when you just shouldn't talk about it?

Do you think people will think you're crazy/weird/social outcast etc if you talk about religion a lot?

Anything else?
