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Paul the World Cup octopus dies in his tank in Germany

Paul the octopus, an unlikely star of the 2010 World Cup who 'predicted' the outcome of eight matches, has died at an aquarium in Germany.

Staff at the Sea Life centre in Oberhausen said they were "devastated" to learn that he had passed away during the night.

Read more @ BBC News

Cray 2

Iraqi ex-minister sentenced to death

[quote]Tariq Aziz, for many years the international face of Iraq under Saddam Hussein, has been sentenced to death by the Iraqi Supreme Court.

He was convicted in connection with the persecution of religious parties, a statement said.

Aziz, 74, served as foreign minister and deputy prime minister and was a close adviser to Saddam Hussein.

He has been previously convicted for his role in the execution of dozens of merchants for profiteering.

Muslims Wearing Things

Muslims Wearing Things

Former NPR analyst Juan Williams, among other ignorant people, has an irrational fear of Muslims, and thinks you can identify them based on what they look like. Here I will post pictures of Muslims wearing all sorts of things in an attempt to refute that there is such a thing as "Muslim garb" or a Muslim look.

Forced Marriage vs Gay Daughter

"I took off my hijab, and I threw it on the floor and my brother got really mad. It's the worst thing I could have done to offend my religion, aside from burn or tear the Koran.

"My mother, she kind of stood still, and started listening, and it was very liberating that she finally wanted to hear what I had to say.

"I told her about my sexuality and I said 'that's right, I do meet girls, and I love it' and I told her that she had been hurting me really badly, and I will never forgive her."

Now 20, Reviva - not her real name - recounts the day she finally came out to her family, her pupils flash and the flat, matter-of-fact delivery of her story-telling becomes briefly animated.

Wicked Leaks

US military commiited war crimes in Iraq. It is an evil army of darkness.

wikileaks is once again defying America and revelaing what their stanic forces had been up to in Iraq:

check it at:

US has already been exposed about Afghanistan abuses.

Iraq war logs: secret files show how US ignored torture

• Massive leak reveals serial detainee abuse
• 15,000 unknown civilian deaths in war

Photo: Insurgent suspects are led away by US forces. Some of those held in Iraqi custody suffered appalling abuse, the war logs reveal.

Nick Davies, Jonathan Steele and David Leigh
Guardian Friday 22 October 2010

"Muslims are Scum" says Rabbi

Media often accuses Muslims of hating Kafirs.

But what about the Kafirs? TV never reports how much non-muslims hate us. This is wrong. They should be fair and report both sides of the story. The truth is muslims do not anyone accept those who bomb us and invade out lands and kill our women and children.

Lanati Kafirs hate Muslims so much they want us all wiped out. Jews hate Muslims the most. This is what their top religious leaders say about us:

My mates from Glasgow emailed me the following news articles. Check them out.

Please pass them on to your muslim brothers and sisters. Jazakallah.

Also email these articles to media organisations and demand that they be fair in reporting things about muslims. You need to do your bit.

War of Canakkale

Also known as the Gallipoli campaign.

Sheykh Effendi taught us a few weeks ago about the War of Canakkale, 1915 , many others continued to ask and learn about this great battle that most Muslims are sorely unaware of.

This was one of the last battles under the Khalifate of Islam, and created over 253,000 martyrs. Western orientalist histories emphasize Attaturks involvement, but it is clear that at this time he was just one field commander. The martyrs of this war were sincere Muslims, who gave their life knowing that this entry into Muslim territory would be the end of Islam as a nation.
