Forum Topics

Who's coming to the GPU this weekend?


So who's coming to the GPU this weekend.

For those not aware of the GPU event see:

It will be biggest Islamic event of the year, about 50, 000 over the two days.

I should be there at the revival stall- B92- giving out the latest revival magazine.

So if you're coming...see u there!


The Book of Numbers Class | Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa | Wednesday 20th October 2010 - 7.30pm

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

As-salamu Alaykum.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Whomever Allah wishes well for, He grants deep understanding of religion".

Unity Foundation’s Book of Numbers classes are about to restart! If you are new to our mailing list let us explain what you have been missing…

This unique series of classes are taught from the renowned 'Book of Numbers, Holding Fast to the Firm Reality', by Al Imam Muhammad Umar Bahraq al Hadrami’ and taught by Ustadh Ibrahim Osi-Efa. **

"Sunnah sports"

what are they?

I can think horse riding, running, archery, and wrestling.

I think weightlifting was one too... but not certain.

any one know of others, and maybe quotes from ahadith for those mentioned already (or to show that I have mentioned somethign wrong ofcourse).

Viva Palestina - A Lifeline To Gaza 5

So the Convoy left from London on the 18th Of September & has made it's way around Europe & into the Gulf. The Land convoy is now waiting in Latikia. They have been waiting on a campsite they set up there for nearly two weeks waiting for the green light to sail into Egypt.

They will set sail to Al Arish on Monday Morning. However, Egypt have now banned 17 people from travelling. They include 10 survivors from the Mavi Mamara, one of whom is a 83 year old man.
5 British people, and 10 from Jordan.

There are over 400 people from 30 different countries & 150 vehicles full of aid.

Pray for the success of this convoy. They are nearly at the final hurdle. The Raffah border isn't very far & our dua's can only help them.
