Forum Topics

Wasting Food

I saw a programme the other day, it was about a competition between 3 chefs. What they had to do was promote and make people aware of exactly how much food we waste, by going to the market and farms and good scavenge perfectly good food, fresh fruit, vegetables, meat that would go in the bin because they are a bit damaged or too small, too soft and therefore do not meet the supermarkets standards and that nobody would buy. Then with the food scavenged they had to make a starter, main course, dessert which would then be given to guests at an event. The guest had to judge which chefs made the best meals.

Religion may influence doctors' end-of-life care

Doctors with religious beliefs are less likely to take decisions which could hasten the death of those who are terminally ill, a study suggests.

The survey of nearly 4,000 doctors found those with a strong faith were also less likely to discuss end-of-life treatment options with their patient.

The London University research urges greater acknowledgement of how beliefs influence care.

Doctors and campaigners described the findings as "concerning".

Dr Clive Seale of Barts and the London School of Medicine analysed 3,733 responses from doctors practising in a wide variety of fields, with a particular focus on those who worked in palliative care and with the elderly.

Unity Foundation Event | Laylatul Qadr | Imam Muhammad Arshad al-Misbahi | Sat 4th September 2010 | PRESTON, Lancashire

As-salamu alaykum Brother

We pray this email reaches you in a state of well being...

Unity Foundation
are pleased to present:

Laylatul Qadr

A Night of Grandeur, Excellence and Honour

A talk by Imam Muhammad Arshad al-Misbahi, Imam of Central Mosque, Victoria Park, Manchester

The talk aims to celebrate the priceless gift that Allah Almighty bestowed on mankind, The Holy Quran.

Nasheeds by guest artist, Hafiz Ahsan Ameen will proceed the talk and will be followed by a question & answer session insha'Allah.

Date: Saturday 4th September 2010

Time: 2pm - 4pm

Venue: Masjid-e-Raza

St Pauls Road


Halal-only Menus

Halal-only Menus
RESIDENTS across Harrow have vented their anger about proposals to have Halal-only menus in primary schools in the borough. Meat is meat. What does it matter how it’s killed? These stupid parents should find other things to whine about. Halal meat is more hygienically processed anyway.The newspaper revealed exclusively how Harrow Council has employed a catering company to only prepare Halal meat – to serve youngsters in Harrow. This is nothing new to my knowledge, Tower Hamlets council been doing Halal meat in schools for at least 3 years or more.


Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmutalahi wa Barakatuhu,

Al-Mustafa Productions are pleased to announce by the grace of Allah (SWT) and the blessings of His Beloved Prophet Mohammad (SAW) the release of Mohammad Milad Mustafa Raza Qadri's 9th Album, titled ‘Ey Chara Ghar-e-Shawq’.

This Amazing MUST BUY Album can be purchased at the online Al-Mustafa Store. Please visit and order your signed copy.

A perfect gift for Ramzan-ul-Mubarak & Eid.

***Remember to recite Durood-o-Salaam in abundance: Allah Huma Sale Ala Saiyyidina Wa Mawlana Mohammadin - Wa Ala Alihee Wa Sahbihee Wa Barik Wassalim.***

MiladRazaQadri.Com Web Team

Muslims Cancel Eid to Please America!

New York – In a move that was expected by many people, Muslims around the world have canceled their religious celebration known as Eid ul-Fitr to accommodate American sensitivities. “It was a natural thing to do,” said Imam Tariq Shakir, the lesser-known back-up Imam of Ground Zero Mosque, “Can you imagine what would happen if a bunch of Muslims were hooting and laughing on September 11th?”
