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Jihadi's journey: 'Seeking the defeat of the enemies of God'

After fighting for 20 years in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Bosnia and Somalia – Yemen is the country the mujahideen now call home

Hamza answered the call of jihad 20 years ago, when he was 16. He left his family home in Jeddah and headed to Afghanistan to join the long line of jihadis fighting the "apostate" Soviet-backed government.

Read more @ The Guardian

Dispatches: When Cousins Marry

Assalamu alaikum,

Anyone seen this documentary on 4od, i came across it today:


Apparently concerns mostly Pakistanis, but also effects Bangladeshis and some of middle eastern dissent.

To tell the truth i thght bangladeshis had removed themselves from marrying cousins, and if they did it was not first cousins. Least thats how it is in my family and those around me none of us married cousins and ppl i know who have have married distant cousins, sadly against their wishes.

Medal of Honour: Taleban Edition


Fox urges ban on Taliban video game

Defence Secretary Liam Fox has urged shops to ban a computer game where players can act as the Taliban and kill British troops.

Dr Fox said he was "disgusted" that Medal of Honor allowed people to recreate attacks on Nato forces.

An updated version of the popular game, due to be released in October, is based on the struggle between allied special forces and the Taliban - with players being allowed to choose which side they want to represent.

A clip on the YouTube website shows a Taliban soldier fighting in southern Helmand province, where UK forces are based.
