Forum Topics

Who did 9/11

It was a horrible attack on innocent people of New York.

But who did 9/11?

There has been no independent investigation. No public inquiry.

Terrorism of 9/11 was carried out by Jews.

Lot of important leaders around the world like Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Bolivia and others now think that the White House story of 9/11 does not make sense at all.

World leaders think that Israeli secret agents of MOSSAD planned 9/11 in 2000 to hit New York. Ariel Sharon gave them all clear to do what they do best which is TERRORISM. Iran President does not believe the official US version of 9/11. He thinks they are either protecting Israelis or simply dont know that Israelis attacked them.

The fact is that no Jews died on that terrible day. Why?

British non-muslims hold very negative views towards Muslims & Islam

Acccording to a study by a majority of Britons have a negative view of Islam.


The study summarises its findings:

  • 5% described Islamic dawah (proselytising) material as quite positive and very positive.
  • 71% had never did not come into contact with any dawah material.
  • 70% did not change their perceptions about Islam after coming into contact with dawah material.
  • 14% slightly worsened or significantly worsened.
  • 76% had never spoken to a Muslim about Islam.
  • 63% had no change in their perception after interacting with a Muslim.

[Time Magazine] Afghan Women and the Return of the Taliban

The following is an abridged version of an article that appears in the Aug. 9, 2010, print and iPad editions of TIME magazine.

The following is an abridged version of an article that appears in the Aug. 9, 2010, print and iPad editions of TIME magazine.

The Taliban pounded on the door just before midnight, demanding that Aisha, 18, be punished for running away from her husband's house. Her in-laws treated her like a slave, Aisha pleaded. They beat her. If she hadn't run away, she would have died. Her judge, a local Taliban commander, was unmoved. Aisha's brother-in-law held her down while her husband pulled out a knife. First he sliced off her ears. Then he started on her nose.

Preparing for Ramadhan :: Fri 6th Aug :: Oldham

Preparing for Ramadhan

English speech by:
Allama Jafar Bilal Sahib Barkati - M.A. Islamic Studies

On Friday 6th August 2010 at 7.15pm

At Nagina Jamia Masjid, 74 Werneth Hall Road, Coppice, Oldham, OL8 4BB

Separate facilities for sisters

Presented by The Sunni Muslim Youth


Pakistan Floods- Emergency Help Required!

Pakistan Floods

Due to the monsoon flooding affecting North-West Pakistan, over 1,000 people are reported to have died with that number likely to rise as more information becomes available. At least a million people are believed to have been affected in the worst hit areas. In the aftermath of the floods there is a serious risk to survivors from potentially deadly diseases including diarrhoea, which will spread as a result of contaminated surface and drinking water.

Please donate as much as you possibly can, to help your fellow muslims in their hour of need.

You can donate online through one of the sites below:



The Revival Magazine is organising a FAMILY FUNDAY and would like you to attend.

It will be a fun packed day including:
Bouncy Castle
Penalty Shoot Out
Islamic Quiz
Arts & Craft
Food stalls
Raffle tickets
and more...

Sunday, August 08, 2010
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Khadijah Centre
319 Waterloo street

For more details or to book a stall contact us on:

