Forum Topics Site info.

Look what i found while browsing the world wide web.

the bit that made me laugh

Based on internet averages, is visited more frequently by females who are in the age range 25-34, have children, received some college education and browse this site from home.

now that just made our website sounds SO cute. i feel special Biggrin

15th of Sha'ban.

this is what i found.

Regarding celebrating 'Shab-e-barat'

By Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz - The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia

Praise be to Allah Who has perfected for us His religion and completed His favours upon us. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad(SAW), Prophet of repentance and mercy.

To proceed, Allah (SWT) says in the Qur'an, the meaning of which is:

"This day, I have perfected for you your religion , completed my favours upon you and chosen for you Islam as your religion." (AI-Ma'idah 5:4)

"What! Have they partners who have established for them some religion without the permission of Allah." (Ash-Shura 42:21)

Free Teleseminar: How To Overcome Porn Addiction This Ramadan

Asalam Alaikum,

I am new to this forum and thought to say salam alaikum my name is Zeyad.

I am the founder of [URL=""] [/URL] which is a porn addiction recovery resource for Muslims.

Pornography addiction is a big problem within our community afflicting both the single folks and the married folks. This Ramadan is a great opportunity and time to change as well in sha Allah.

I am holding a free teleseminar on August 2nd, answering top questions from you and others on pornography addiction, relapsing back, and how to use Ramadan to overcome porn addiction.



Has anyone been effected by it? I'm pretty sure the dire financial situation in the UK has directly or indirectly effected people's lives - you may be in employment, a recent graduate or looking for work. Or you may know someone that has had he/her life turned upside down because of it.

A family friend I know has been made redundant 4times in one year and he has a young family.

As a teacher, my salary has been capped for two years.

The recession led to my father and my father in law take early retirement.

My brother - a recent graduate cant find a graduate job.

And the recession has forced me and my husband to live like ex pats overseas.

Has the recession effected anyone else?


Parenting - does practice make perfect?

ok, there is a discussion on Tribune about "Octomom" (started when I linked to this documentary) and the idea that she is wrong to have so many kids etc etc.

Anyway, the discussion got to wether they kids would be better or worse off than kids in smaller families.

So.. do you think they will not be looked after properly, or would they benefit from having so many siblings?

Secondly, with most things you improve with practice - is this the same with kids? Where you will mess up in the first, mess up less ons econd and maybe by the time you get to number 14 it will be less messed up?

What do you want on this website?

He is a place that people can place requests for this website.

It does not have to be all technical, but more social.

Anyway, I was talking to 'Ed before and mentioned getting someone to do some short lectures for the website initially on the basics of islam.

Maybe 20 minute lectures etc.

He has someone in mind but more details would be needed.

My ideas were:

1. General Q & A section - probably best to have this written and not in multimedia form. This would be separate from the main gist of this topic though.

2. Short audio/video course, initially maybe on the basics of Islam - five pillars plus Jihad seems to be a good base to start, but we will need to provide more details etc.
