Al-Arba'in Collection Of 40 Hadiths on Ramadhan *Special* - Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam

Here are a collection of 40 ahadith specifically relating to Ramadhan. A must listen for all. Each hadith is read in Arabic, translated and presented along with a short yet comprehensive summary. Going through them in the first few days of this blessed month will help one to truly appreciate the month and increase ones potential of reaping the great benefits of Ramadhan.

Click on each hadith to be forwarded to the hadith:

[CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"][URL=""]Hadith 1[/URL]

[URL=" u/1/URQ1XkYC0tw"]Hadith 2[/URL]

[URL=" u/2/PSEbniKurT4"]Hadith 3[/URL]

[URL=" u/3/kVD49I0wAR4"]Hadith 4 - Part 1[/URL]

[URL=" 4/1NXyBE1lln0"]Hadith 4 - Part 2[/URL]

[URL=" 5/5_n-aKe_YaQ"]Hadith 5[/URL]

[URL=" 36/HR4xYRP1yaE"]Hadith 6[/URL]

[URL=" 35/SdQh3uHKtFg"]Hadith 7[/URL]

[URL=""]Hadith 8[/URL]

[URL=" 33/AFy-vl64RRc"]Hadith 9[/URL]

[URL=" 32/XlCTRMUknf4"]Hadith 10[/URL]

[URL=" 31/aS8HgDoWKGE"]Hadith 11[/URL]

[URL=" 30/kbIMqui8TFs"]Hadith 12[/URL]

[URL=" 29/aT6bYb_FLwk"]Hadith 13[/URL]

[URL=" 28/k6FXzvyrcpo"]Hadith 14[/URL]

[URL=" 27/0gdJaHScrGE"]Hadith 15[/URL]

[URL=" 26/fKvjZF3cFSw"]Hadith 16[/URL]

[URL=" 23/ygbzUn5mQLY"]Hadith 17[/URL]

[URL=" 22/Kw2BUgb6Y30"]Hadith 18[/URL]

[URL=" 21/EEbM1PrWIf8"]Hadith 19[/URL]

[URL=" 20/H5ZmNjWAQDU"]Hadith 20[/URL]

[URL=" 19/JGDtZZSaEzQ"]Hadith 21[/URL]

[URL=" 18/PuXSxFt5w34"]Hadith 22[/URL]

[URL=" 17/fZtggwsP8ps"]Hadith 23[/URL]

[URL=" 16/C-QavlYOa2k"]Hadith 24[/URL]

[URL=" 15/6dl70s_CFSI"]Hadith 25[/URL]

[URL=" 14/F4Vi6_MPduw"]Hadith 26[/URL]

[URL=" 13/XiuFQrM9bMM"]Hadith 27[/URL]

[URL=" 12/KAwZLMCMLX8"]Hadith 28[/URL]

[URL=" 17/-J6vVjeqNlI"]Hadith 29[/URL]

[URL=" 16/AA-fm7PEo0I"]Hadith 30[/URL]

[URL=" 15/YVVhBBv15iU"]Hadith 31[/URL]

[URL=" 14/RSomRI0C_8g"]Hadith 32[/URL]

[URL=" 13/r9HCM3kPtz8"]Hadith 33[/URL]

[URL=" 12/EaC3eA8jZRk"]Hadith 34[/URL]

[URL=" 11/yihe7y3J7Ac"]Hadith 35[/URL]

[URL=" 10/Enln164uRTo"]Hadith 36[/URL]

[URL=" 9/j7JL9c0YJ9I"]Hadith 37[/URL]

[URL=" 8/E1lpQJWru8s"]Hadith 38[/URL]

[URL=" 7/qrSJb7olXL4"]Hadith 39[/URL]

[URL=" 6/EZcvoP_uVkA"]Hadith 40[/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]