How do I go about starting to increase my islamic knowledge??

Ok, so I want to start gradually increasing my knowledge about islam. When I ask my mum she gets abit excited and tells me loads of things to read and really doesnt make sense. I just wanna know some simple daily surahs and stuff to read in the morning and evening and any good ones to read after namaaz and the benefits they have.

Also are there any good websites anyone could recommend for some nice islamic stories, just so I can get into it all more. If anyones got any ideas please let me know.


i found this AWESOME BOOK!!! its called "selected beneficial supplications from the qur'an and the sunnah" by sheikh abul-aziz Ibn Baz (translated by abu hamzah) and its got like what uou need to say in the morning and evening, after the 5 compulsory prayers. etc..

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

On the Aggregator, there is someone called "Hotter Than a Pile of Curry" who plans to post a summary of a juz of the qur'an every day for the month of ramadan.

Part one has been posted already. Interesting stuff.

Oher than that, there is issue 16's q & a about ramadan put up last night and tonight on the lets talk show on Mashal Radio you will be able to put your questions about ramadan to Shaykh Salim Ghisa too.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

amm wrote:

Ok, so I want to start gradually increasing my knowledge about islam. When I ask my mum she gets abit excited and tells me loads of things to read and really doesnt make sense. I just wanna know some simple daily surahs and stuff to read in the morning and evening and any good ones to read after namaaz and the benefits they have.

Also are there any good websites anyone could recommend for some nice islamic stories, just so I can get into it all more. If anyones got any ideas please let me know.


ok sister, you have a good intention to improve your condition. but intention is not enough. you must now do.

If you want to learn you have to get to know Imam Ali. There is no other way to God's Divine Knowledge. If you ignore Imam Ali, you will learn other useless things. Only pure knowledge is beneficial for you and you receive it only through Imam Ali.

Prophet (pbuh) said:

"I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is its Gate."

Imam Ali said:

"Just marvel at man: He sees by means of some gristle, and speaks by means of some flesh, and hears by means of a bone, and breathes by means of a perforation! "

If you want to gain true knowledge, you can start here:
Its one of the best internet sites in the world.

Ramadan Mubarak to everyone.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

A true muslim believe should love ALL companions of the Prophet (pbuh). I dont want to start an argument here, as this isnt the right topic.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?