Forum Topics

Why Do YOU Post On The Revival?

I'm sure we all must be here for diff reasons

when I first joined this forum is was only to tease my sister cos she spent so much time here

but that got boring cos I can do that in real life better

then I become drawn in the debates and HAD to always have the last word

I confess that 95% of the time I dont know much about what we debate about-so I always get my sister to properly explain sumin before I start arguing-I've even phoned her up in the past when I've been corned in a debate :oops:

but I've realised that in the process I've actually started to learn sumin-No joke :s

New PC Needed! Also New Laptop needed!


I need a new pc. ANyone willing to donater? It must be worth atleast a afew k for me to accept it....

Nah seriously, It is looking like my PC is becoming Ill. SO I am looking to replace ti before it dies. (Think of it as getting a new puppy just before the old dog croaks!)

I have seen one I (almost) like at 700 squid. [url=

Anyone seen better deals? (I like that because of the option to pay off over 6 months interest free)

Also another member on this forum is after a laptop, and asked me for advice.

Why I Hate "Aunties"

I know an "aunty" is someone's mum at the end of the day

but that don't stop me from finding them the most annoying species in the world

sometimes I cant stand them!!!

when they come to my house to visit mum and I'm forced to serve them tea they analyse me :evil:

listed below are some of the reasons why I hate aunties

1-they LOOK for reasons to grass u up to ur parents and jump to conclusions

2-they ALWAYS compare u to their good for nothing kids

3-they look down at u

4-they put other people's kids down whilst ignoring what their own kids get up undercover

5-they K


do u listen to music?
why is music prohibited?
are u addicted to tv and music?
what is so harmful to the mind about watching television?

cartoons films and soap operas.
[b]pokemon[/b] the world famous cartoon series pokemon is very disturbing indeed.when showing the children it seems like an ordinary cartoon,however,behind the scenes of the poke rap there are hidden messages.forward the lyrics sing."got to catch them to catch them all..."however,when reversed one can hear the words,"[color=red]O sata

Something for all to think about.....

Are we doing enough to save lives?. The answer is no. Perhaps you visit below link and think again....

[url= other side of the coin is rusting...[/url]

Remember the world changes everyday. One day you or your generation to come would follow.. You save today and they'll save you when that time comes... You don't save and that is how you or your children will end up and no one shall help...


Assallamu Allaikum

As most of you know we have been trying to get hold of Amir Khan so we can interview him for The Revival Magazine. Well, finally we have managed to get hold of him....i got a call 5 minutes ago Biggrin
He is going away for a few days to Cardiff for training and he has said when he gets back we can interview him.
