Forum Topics

Aalim Online??

Who watches this guy on Geo TV?


Some members of my family seem to be really impressed and bowled over by him. At first I thought he was just some really camp TV scholar. But he turns out to be one controversial geezer.

He is Dr. Aamir Liaquat. But apparently he purchased his phd from an online 'university'.

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Dawah


Some of us I’m sure must have this desire to propagate Islam, to spread the message and to educate those who may be misguided…

So, what do you guys think is the most effective way to convey Islam? Is it via speeches? Study circles? Radio? Involvement in the media? Islamic lit/magazines? Websites?

Or is it better to set up stalls/handout leaflets outside Mosques? OR is door to door dawah the best way to convey the message?

Sexually perverted relatives

This is a serious issue and requires serious thought. I am specifically referring to homosexuality but shall refer to it as sexual perversion because I dont like the other word.

Now the issue is as follows. A person has known for about a year that one of his relatives female practices actively sexual perversion. He found out quite by accident but is absolutely certain that the issue is not mere rumour and that the person involved is actively practicing the sexual perversion. A year has elapsed.

Would you rebel?

The following quote is from the ‘stoning to death for adultery’ thread:

"TheRevivalEditor"][quote="Omrow" wrote:

Come on Boss, answer the question.

Jedda asked you again whether or not you agree with stoning a 16 year old girl to death.

He means that to make a girl stand in the open field and keep stoning her until she bleeds to death.

Do you agree with that type of punishment or dont you !!


i agree with quran and sunnah, nothing more. if quran and sunnah allow it then so do i .

Taliban-Muslims & Submitters-Kaffirs=???

I is sick to death of hearing people call Taliban Muslims and the Submitters Kaffirs. Any way what did u like about the bloody Taliban so much that you can even think to call them Muslims? Their black hearts? or maybe there exhilarating lifestyle? I is disgusted! Shame on u revival!

Why do u h8 submitters so much? and what is it with Rashad Khalifa?

Rashad Khalifa was treated as a hero first by the same religious groups that attack him now, when he discovered the Mathematical Miracle of the Quran.

London bomber video aired on TV

Assallamu Allaikum

[b]Mohammad Sidique Khan
London bomber video aired on TV

One of the four suicide bombers behind the 7 July London Tube attacks which killed 52 people has appeared in a tape obtained by an Arab TV station.


I'm going to keep this short and to the point because it's all been said before by far more eloquent people than me.

And our words have no impact upon you, therefore I'm going to talk to you in a language that you understand.


How many brothers have done horseriding here? Do you know of any cheap places to do horseriding in UK, cos i think sheffield uni got a promo for horseriding in their freshers week and am definitely gonna give it a go inshaallah, but dont have much monies.

The Blessed Month Of Shabaan


The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said “Between Rajab and Ramdan is the sacred month of Shabaan, people are unmindful about it, yet the deeds of man are to be presented to Allah (swt)”

He Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) also said “Shabaan enjoys the superiority over the month as I have superiority over the Prophets”.

The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said “Rajab is the month of Allah, Shabaan is my month and Ramadan is the month of my ummah, Shabaan removes the sins of man and Ramadan purifies him completely”.

Authorities & permission for transmition of Hadith,Tafsi

[b]Authorities (Asaneed) & permission (Ijazaat) for the transmission of knowledge of Hadith,Tafsir, Fiqh, Tasawwuf[/b]

His Eminence [b]Shaykh-ul-Islam, Prof. Dr Muhammad Tahir-Ul-Qadri [/b]has received a large number of authorities (Asaneed) and permission (Ijazaat) for the transmission of knowledge of Hadith, Tafsir, Fiqh, Tasawwuf and other classical Islamic Sciences from numerous great pillers of the Muslim world, widely acknowledged as the fountains of Islamic knowledge in the last century. Some of these are below:

1. The authorities of his Eminence Shaykh-ul-Islam of the Shayukh of Al-HARAMAYN (MAKKA and MADINA) are as follows:
