Forum Topics

Russia to build floating Nuclear power station!

[quote][size=18]Russia to Build World’s First Floating Nuclear Power Station for $200,000[/size]

Created: 09.09.2005 11:54 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 12:00 MSK

Russia’s Federal Nuclear Energy Agency has made a decision to build a low capacity floating nuclear power plant (FNPP), the first project of its kind in the world. The plant will be small and will produce roughly 1/150th of the power produced by a standard Russian nuclear power plant.

Getting married young

Salaam, what is your opinion on getting married in order to stay away from haram actions?
I am a religious 18 year old muslim, i pray 5 times a day. the only thing that is damaging my imaan is the fitnah of women. I see women half naked outside on the streets and on tv everyday and its very hard to keep practising with so many distractions. My mum would let me get married to a gal in pakistan but my dad says that i shud do my degree first. What do u think?? jazaakallah

Im also worried about what my mates wud think if i ever got a wife

Halal Food


There seems to be a lack of info and understanding on halaal food.

With packaged food, it is hard, as we have to read the ingredients, and then check if e452348967322 is a haraam additive or not.

However even with normal food there are sometimes complications.

[b]The basic guidelines:[/b]

Anything that is grown is halaal by default. This includes all veg, fruit etc. However the manipulation of the good could tender it haraam.


i am posting this thread just for to increase your knowledge about Islam, one of my Shia friends started arguing with me about this conflict when i told him that Sahaba karaam are probably the best followers of Islam esp hazrat abu bakar and hazrat umar,he started laughing at blamed that

[color=indigo][/color]The main and probably the most arguable conflict between two major sects of Islam is the Bagh-e-fidak inheritance.


Today ISLAM is sketched by the most of Nations esp USA as the real threat along with many other non muslim nations,and is said to be THE GREEN PERIL,but to me christians are far beyond the BETTER TERRORISTS.The points are as follows

1--USA along with its allies enter IRAQ to find weapons of mass destruction but they were never found,Iraq was still under their control to bring peace but since their arrival an estimated of 30000 people have died.IS THIS THE PEACE??

2--USA gave Taliban every neccasity of war when it was fighting against USSR,they were portrayed as MUJAHIDS,but now they are

What’s So Great About Your Mum?


This thread will be a sort of tribute to mothers…an appreciation thread.

Mothers do SO much….one only realises their value when they go away for a bit and the house seems so unbelievably empty.

Everyone thinks that their mum is the best mum in the world; use this thread to explain why YOU think your mum is so fantastic…..(this is NOT a competition).

Why do I think my mum is so fantastic?

CAN U ANSWER????????????

i was just browsing net while i entered an anti muslim site that was criticizing muslikms open heartedly and to great extent were mocking.Naturally i replied to the webmaster and he attacked me with the following questions,though i have answered,but for your knowledge i am listing them:-
1....He claims that the Prophet (s.a.w) was racist by calling black people 'raisin heads.' (p. 182). "Listen and obey (your chief) even if an Ethiopian whose head is like a raisin were made your chief." [Bukhari]
2...He Muhammad SAS worshipped the Black Stone in the Ka'bah (p.

The American 'Taliban'!

The worst of the bad side of America:

tis a good laugh.

Until that is you realise they are being serious.

However some of those quotes are not that bad. Some are even the right thing (I agree with that quote by Beverley Lahaye).

Another good quote:

"American Veterans are to blame for the fag takeover of this nation. They have the power in their political lobby to influence the zeitgeist, get the fags out of the military, and back in the closet where they belong!"

Hay that is what you call raw emotion!

Sharia move in Canada draws anger

[size=18]Sharia move in Canada draws anger[/size]

Women's rights activists are to march in 11 cities in Canada and Europe against plans to allow Sharia law tribunals in the province of Ontario.

Islamic law could be used to settle civil and marital disputes under a proposal made by former Ontario Attorney General Marion Boyd.

Roman Catholic and Jewish arbitration tribunals already operate Ontario.

Opponents of Sharia law say allowing Islamic tribunals could lead to discrimination against women...

[url= News[/url][/

Jinn Possession

I need sum advice, if a person thinks they have been possessed by a jinn who is the best person to contact? If one is to tell their imam wht do they say to him? does anyone who of any specialists in the uk?
I would greatly appreciate any advice ,salaam alaikum
