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I Aint Marrying No Paki


There’s always been a massive stigma attached to marriages from “back home”.

I’m speaking from a girl’s point of view (guys may feel free to differ). I have a massive stigma attached to this type of marriage too…this is cos of personal experience.

My mum was brought up in this country and my dad was from “back home”. Their marriage isn’t exactly what I’d describe a “happy marriage”. I feel that the only reason why they have remained married for 22 years is cos mum is extremely tolerant by nature…she can take a LOT of crap.

Is Islam compatible with the West?


[b]Is Islam compatible with the West? [/b]
As extremists increasingly claim it is not, and attack Western values not only through rhetoric but acts of violence, many Muslims find themselves being forced to respond by re-examining their values.
Here two Britons, both born into the Muslim faith, explain why they have ended up following different paths as far as their religion is concerned.

Nagina Shah
Nagina Shah, who walked away from her faith and family 14 years ago after a forced marriage, believes that traditional Islam and modern Western life do not mix.

Is A Woman’s Place In The Home?


For the last couple of months I’ve been actively seeking work…. after being rejected left right and centre…I was advised to contact this agency that gets you into schools, now after they check my references out I should start working in a matter of weeks… Finally-Alhumdullilah!!

Why do I want to work?

Since I was a little girl I’ve wanted to teach, I used to play “school/school” with my brother and sisters and I was always the teacher….whenever I have spare time I work voluntary in different types of schools.

Shaykh, Scholars and Jamaat

I just interesting to know who the people who post on the revival follow and why and if indeed you don't follow anyone why u don't.

I personally don't follow anyone at the mo, but I would find it interesting if people give their account on who they follow and why they follow him/them and what kind of benefit they gain from it. Hopefully we can do this without anyone attacking what the other person thinks. Also people who are looking, what quality are you looking for and whether you feel it necessary to follow someone, because at times I don't.

Imitating the Kuffar

I know some people ain't going to like the fact I used the word kuffar, but that their problems. :twisted:

I always found this subject interesting. Where do we draw the line when we hear this statement, what does it exactly mean to imitate the kuffar. Is it by the clothes, food and entertainment we seek, or is it strictly a lifestyle question.

It is stated that, Whoever imitates a group, then he belongs to them." Abu Dawood, narrated by Hadhrat Ibn Umar (R.A).


taking photographs [b]HALAL OR HARAM?[/b]

alot of ppl have different opinions regarding the matter of taking pictures. some have a say its permissable no matter what.. some say its permissable as long as they arent displayed upon the walls of your homes and then u get ppl saying taking pictures is forbidden and deemed impermissable according to the sacred islamic law...
but due to complete necessity islam permits the act of taking pictures in any such circumstances where photographs are absolute essential e.g passports.

i came across a few hadiths regarding this matter:

An Open Letter to the Secretary of State for Education

An Open Letter to the Secretary of State for Education
The British Government is planning to make it easier to schools to “opt in” to the state sector. This would allow more minority faith schools to recieve state funding. The Association of Muslim schools received £100,000 from the British government to make the transition smoother for more of the 120 independent Muslim schools. Muslim children in state schools feel isolated and confused about who they are.



The biggest attack on Islam today is that it is out of date; it is behind date!
The questions asked are how can you follow a book 1400 years old?
how can you use barbaric punishment systems?
why cant women even wear short sleeve shirts but men can?
why cant islam deal with homosexuality?
why is islam homophobic?
why cant islam allow boy/girlfriends?
why not sex before marriage?
why cant muslim even drink?

All these questions try to argue that Islam is not up to touch with modern needs updating and modernising.

share your comments pls...



Plan for new law over forced marriages

Families who force their daughters into marriage could face an appearance in court under controversial proposals to protect young British Asians from abuse.

Community elders who encourage parents or connive in their arrangements could also be prosecuted in a wide-ranging crackdown to be unveiled tomorrow.

The Home Office minister Baroness Scotland will launch a consultation on proposals to introduce a specific offence of 'forcing someone to marry'.

The Home Office recognises that there are concerns children forced into marriage will not wis
