Forum Topics

No One Likes A Grass


Yep, no one likes a grass. This is something that I learnt at a very young age.

In high school there was always one guy who’d let of a stink bomb, the teachers always wanted to know “who dunnit” and everyone would always keep their mouth shut….even if it meant that the whole class would be punished as a result.

And if a guy/girl grassed that person up, he/she would later be beaten up.

There used to be a girl that I used to knock for every morning and we’d walk to school together. I also used to sit with her in Mosque after school.

Stoning to death for adultery

Adultery is forbidden in Muslim countries and under Islamic sharia law, the penalty can range from flogging to stoning to death. The Koran says a 100 lashes for the men and women who commit adultery, some argue that they are symbolic lashes but most say they are severe lashes. Because of the number of times “God is merciful” is written in the Koran I am inclined to believe with the minority of Muslims that say the lashes are symbolic…

I’ve always disagreed with capital punishment, but I do believe it should only be reserved for murderers…

Women and Islam

In too many Muslim countries, women remain second-class citizens, with many of their basic rights denied in the name of religion and tradition. The right to vote, drive, work, walk in the street without a man or receive a meaningful education are denied or curtailed to different degrees. Women in parts of the Muslim world live with customs that governed the world many centuries ago.

The Koran says men and women are equal born with different qualities and they are both given different rights.

Ramadan 2005

Surprised no-one has done this already...

As the blessed month of Ramdan dawns upon us, how will this bear significance upon our lives?

What changes are we looking forward to implement personally?

Are we going to be one-month good muslims again?

What are we looking forward to the most in the great month where the devil is locked away?

For me personally, I look forward to using it as an opportunity to attain good manners and be nice to everyone (not that i aint....

Satanic Verses

I'm slightly confused about the reason Ayatollah Khomeni issued his fatwa against Salman Rushdie.

From what I've heard the controversial issue of the Satanic Verses is that Rushdie slanders the Rasul (SAW)'s wives.

Don't the shi'ites do the same thing though?

Learn Arabic?

How many of you have learnt arabic?

I mean undertand arabic, not read it.

I used to know quite a bit of arabic, but unfortunately I have forgotten most of it.

Is it important to you?

I think it is important. As an example, when reading the qur'an, I used to understand parts of what was actually written. The rest I could make out from translation.

I have lost this ability, with my loss of arabic.

Call centres

How many of us work in such places?

I work in a call centre doing sales.

I hate it when the mugs, thinking you cannot hear, say: 'Its some person in new delhi' or summat similar to that.

(I am doing this job coz its darn right easy. I know I can do better, so no lectures please.)


When a christian or a jew murders someone,religion (christian/judaism)is not mentioned (i.e.serbs) but when a muslim is charged with a crime,[b]its islam that goes to trail[/b]

when a jew practises his religion he is called "orthodox",when a christian practises his religion he is called "devout",when a muslim practises his religion, hes called a "[b]fundamentalist."[/b]

when a jew or sikh grows a beard he's just practising his faith,and when a muslim does that hes an [b]extremist'[/b]

when a nun is covered from head to toe,she's respected for devouting herself to god,but when a muslim



We have already have had one fully confirmed case on these very forums (mujahid, mujahid'), and some suspect we have another.

Is it contagious?

What can be done?

Is this such a serious illness that I should not be mocking? (and serious answers are also welcome!)
