I just have a few questions to ask and would be very grateful if anyone could help me with them. Firstly I would like to say that I have been reading the English translation of the Qur'an and I would definately recommend it. Most of us will probably never learn arabic so the least we can do is read the translation.
1) Why does Jesus (pbuh) refer to God as "father" in the Bible?
2) Regarding 2 women witnesses in the Qur'an, I read it and it says there should be 2 women, in case one is in error, I was told that it was just in case one woman was having menstrual problems/pain whatever u wanna call it? Is this the reasion why?
3) The one which intrigues me most is why does a woman only get a quarter of inheritance and the male gets half? Im assuming it has something to do with the responsibility of the male to organise the funeral etc.???
Please don't think I am doubting the Qur'an, astaghfirullah, that I would never do. What I do know is that there is always a logical reason behind every statement in the Qur'an.
1. In Aramaic the word for God and Father is the same.
Just like the persian word khuda used for god has a similar meaning to (i think) chaudhry in urdu.
2. There is one main wtness. The second is a support.
3. Regarding inheritence, the Islamic monetary system is different to the western monetary system. A man inherits twice as much, but his wealth is the families The man's family/wife has a right over his cash. A woman's wealth is her own. The family/husband has no right over it. This is even if the woman is rich and the man poor.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Its probably naughty of me for not stating a source, but I read somewhere that Aramaic is similar in parts to Arabic and that Isa AS sometimes said the word Allah when refering to god, don't suppose any one can clarify this (i.e. if the above quote is compatible with the statement I just made)
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
I have no idea of that.
I do know there are some similarities in Aramaic and arabic, but no idea what they are.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
sorry admin but gonna have to correct you on that one. Khuda and Chaudhry are not related linguistically.
Khuda is shortened from Khud Aaya- One who came himself ie one who was not created and this is shortened to Khuda.
Chaudhry is the name of landowners and is a caste/class in indian subcontinent. According to my research in the hindu caste system thakur, raja, brahman etc were the high castes of the aryan invaders. Those next in line were the Chaudhry. Infact they were the attendants to the highest classes as the hindu system believed in pollution occurring if they mingled with loewr castes so their attendants were drawn from high castes.
Now these high caste attendants were nominal attendants and there name Chaudhry is derived because they were the holders of the cushions - chao dhary(cushion) bring the cushion. Basically Chaudhry comes from Chao dhary which was a command form higher castes.
Overtime the attendants were assimilated into the higher castes and their names were linguistically evolved into chaudhry.!
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
That's actually incorrect, the biblical sources tell us that Jesus used the word "abba" which is not only the word for father - but the far more informal "Daddy" (The formal word for "father" in Aramaic is Av) The word for God I handle in the post following this, they are nothing alike.
In my attempt to answer your question akbar - I believe most muslims believe the bible and torah have been "corrupted" by various nondivine additions - perhaps Jesus use of the word abba is one such innovation.
However I am not a muslim.
Actually you are very much on the mark Dawud - the aramaic word for God is "Aloho" and sometimes "Elah" which is no terrible surprise since both words are derived of the same semitic language (proto-semitic). It's entirely possible, in fact more than likely that when Jesus was simply saying God and not Father that he was in fact saying something very close to "Allah"
Here is a source I found on the subject - it's wikipedia but it gets the job done.
Pretty much makes the "moon God of Mecca" attacks null and void.
Is it true Hallelujiah is a form of saying ALLAHU?
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
It means "praise to god" and refers to the hebrew word YAH for God - not Allah. So it means approximately the same thing (ackbar is just the superlative of good) but by different methods of arriving there
i just wanted to know is it arite to say "i wish i was never born", coz sometimes when i get in trouble or get into my deep moments im alwayz saying this
and my m8tes say u get guna for saying that.....
dont really know though
Being born is a blessing from Allah but at times when i feel i aint pleasin Allah (swt) and the Holy Prophet
i do wish i wasnt born but then how would we come to know our Lord and his beloved Prophet (saw).
...well i'm no muslim but it would seem to me that that's not really a decision thats up to you anyway - a moot point.
kind of like saying "I wish I had a chocolate covered wedding cake" - "with ice cream"
"mint chocolate chip ice cream"
"no mint chocolate chip AND dark chocolate ice cream"
God already made the decision I can't have that because I know for a fact that if I open my dorm door at this precise moment - there will be no cake nor ice cream.
Yep, that confirms that one.
As long as you are not wishing bad things on other people (which is cursing and thats been illegal since moses) wishing isn't sinful, sins are acts.
It is permittied to say ''I wish I was never born'' if a person did it out of remorse for sins committed or due to a sense of shame and repentence.
It is established that certain Sahabah Karaam would make statements either identical to or similar to the one written above. Infact it is a sign of humility and turning to ALLAH to make such a statement with the correct intention.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
1 more question.
Is it okay to have medicine containing gelatine (or anything else haraam 4 that matter)? I mean I recently had antibiotics but felt bad after I found out the capsules were made of gelatine. But, It's not like I wanted to take them, I had to given the situation.
The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.
i don't think the gelatine in gelatine pills is actually made from animal fat...
I'm pretty sure it's a synthetic - which wouldn't be haram anyway would it?
Ask ur pharmacist, or if they compound at the docs office as him..
I think medical conditions are an exception it wasnt like you were eatin the capsule because it was food that tasted nice (i love jelly sweets but cant eat them after i found out they were haram) neway islam makes life easy for everyone, if you have a medical requirement and it can only be fulfilled by takin a capsule that contains gelatine then it i would think it was permissible...
depends on the condition.
If it islife or death, and there is no other option it is permissible.
However in any other situation it probably is not.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Wow! That is amazingly tolerant/open minded of you considering you believe The Bible to be 100% uncurupted (not being sarcastic, i'm serious- for once), truly amazing.
That reminds me there are some really good arguments in defence of tThe Bible's partial or even complete integrity in Steven Masood's "The Bible and The Quraan, a question of integrity" however his arguments regarding the Quraan seem to be of Shia perspective.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
if it is synthetic it should be ok. I think. Lets wait for the official verdict from Mufti Med!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Part of my work over the summer tought me how to adapt my mindset to understand somebody from their perspective - A very important skill I believe I would like to hang on to.
lol and you give me too much credit, I do not believe the bible is 100% uncorrupted. At least not how muslims use the term. It's been translated numerous times, and has been compiled over 5,000 years of human history - it would be downright foolish to believe that it hasn't changed from it's original form.
Meds gonna need some ice for that burn.
Gelatine is gelatine; it is an organic product derived from the bones of cattle and pigs. Synthetic gelling agents are labelled as such, not as Gelatine.
GP's can, if asked, provide you with an alternative anti-biotic - there are many that can attack the same bug, so just ask your doc
~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~
"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson
Actually I have no knowledge about this, so would have maintained total silence except some people think so highly of me that I had to honour their thoughts and confess my ignorance.
MashaALLAH Mufti Admin Sahib, we should exchange fatawa, i have made you a mufti, you have made me!
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
lol Sahib?
Sabah al Khair med - congratulations on your muftization - as well to admin.
Now cancel yourselves out and get back to business.
Thanks for clearing it up Afro!
"A time will come when muslims will be wishing death"Muhammad PBUH told his sahaba karam while he was telling sahaba-e-karam about the period when Imam Mahdi will be revealed,in response to the above saying one Sahabi asked that why people will say so because of their sins,Muhammad replied accordingly no because of the worldly problems they will be facing.
"I wish my mother has never given birth to me infact i wish i would have been a hair on the skin of a MOMIN"Umar bin khattab razia allah unho,once said,because he used to think that he is not a perfect muslim.
HELP! i've fallen and i can't....................HEY nice carpet!
i heard that if u clap it means u are calling shaitaan this true?
also it came in my hearing when u sneeze it means as to someone out there is thinking of u....dnt think its tru
When you sneeze it is a means of cure for a disease which is only cured by the sneeze itself also when you sneeze your heart beat stops in which case you should say "alhumdulillah" (thank you Allah) because your heartbeat is re-started again.
As for clappin its an old women's tale.
you were watching bride and prejudice weren't you?
come on admit it we all have
no no no.....i have not....
whos WE u and?
my army.
of course