That means 1 will go directly (depending on their actions...)
Others may have to go through the BBQ period.
You see knowledge is very important, as well as the understanding of that knowledge.
PS you must believe your beliefs are correct. If anyone differs, they are either wrong, or there is more than one position that one can take. You cannot believe your beliefs are wrong... You understand that point?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by equanimity on 29 October, 2005 - 23:55 #156
"Admin" wrote:
division is a blessing.
admin i disagree , division is a curse the kaffir use it as a weopen
you ever heard the term
it is what the british used to destroy the once great islamic empire
they exploited the division between ottoman turks and arabs
and divided the islamic empire into states that to this day still fight over their british created boundaries
It is a weakness in the individual if the difference of opinion divides hearts.
After all we should respect others opinions.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Beast on 29 October, 2005 - 23:57 #158
"Raf786" wrote:
"Admin" wrote:
division is a blessing.
admin i disagree , division is a curse the kaffir use it as a weopen
you ever heard the term
it is what the british used to destroy the once great islamic empire
they exploited the division between ottoman turks and arabs
and divided the islamic empire into states that to this day still fight over their british created boundaries
It's the fault of the Turks and Arabs for having that tension between them in the first place.
Submitted by equanimity on 30 October, 2005 - 00:01 #159
my point exactly irfan they where [b]divided[/b]
which what lead to their downfall and decline
Today if all muslim people and nations got united we shall once again be the strongest and most advanced nation in the world, MASHAALAH
Submitted by Beast on 30 October, 2005 - 00:03 #160
"Raf786" wrote:
my point exactly irfan they where [b]divided [/b]
which what lead to their downfall and decline
Today if all muslim people and nations got united we shall once again be the strongest and most advanced nation in the world, MASHAALAH
Turk/Arab tensions were to do with politics economics. Religious differences were secondary.
We should be united ofcourse. But that doesn't mean we should all become clones of each other and do exactly the same things.
Submitted by equanimity on 30 October, 2005 - 00:31 #161
However that is exactly what full conformance is. (IMO)
Not a communist state, but a community of drones. none able to think. Just follow orders.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by equanimity on 30 October, 2005 - 00:42 #163
btw who said anything bout being clones and drones this is just something western society has influenced us and what keeps us divided
the divisions are due to idiocy and lack of understanding, not because it has been enforced upon us.
If you have read that topic Ettiquettes of disagreement, a major pointwas made.
A scholar wrote a book listing EVERYTHING all muslims agreed on. It was only about 250 pages. EVERYTHING ELSE HAD DISAGREEMENTS.
However the people of the time were knowledgeable, and they understood difference. They did not let it divide them.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Beast on 30 October, 2005 - 05:22 #165
"Raf786" wrote:
bro why you have to make a positive in a negative
im not talking about an communist state, lol
How can you have unity if you're not prepared to accept that people will follow Islam a little differently from one another?
Unity should not be about enforcing one set of rules. It's about accepting differences but focusing on the things that unite us.
Submitted by star on 30 October, 2005 - 16:13 #166
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
i have a problem with ppl like Med who is quick to accuse others...
[b]i havent accused anyone of anything[/b]...just tried to correct Med when he labels fellow Muslims as x, y, z..
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
it seems as[b] naj[/b], khan 1, mastkuri, jazzy, med are all [u]obsessed[/u] with brelwi bashing and are [u]full of hatred against brelwis,[/u] [u]very quick to label everything they disagree with as brelwi crap,[/u] or 'hes a brelwi'.....
i have a problem with ppl like Med who is quick to accuse others...
[b]i havent accused anyone of anything[/b]...just tried to correct Med when he labels fellow Muslims as x, y, z..
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
it seems as[b] naj[/b], khan 1, mastkuri, jazzy, med are all [u]obsessed[/u] with brelwi bashing and are [u]full of hatred against brelwis,[/u] [u]very quick to label everything they disagree with as brelwi crap,[/u] or 'hes a brelwi'.....
thats not accusing?
yep these are my quotes....
and NO thats not accusing. I have never accused anyone of kufr, shirk, bidah etc.
The above clearly state that the above mentioned ppl are very quick to accuse others of alot of things, also that their Islam is better and more pure than others.
i dont have a problem if ppl hav edifferent beliefs to me...but i do have a problem if they accuse me of kufr, shirk, bidah....
the lesson is simple: believe whatever you want as long as you can back it up with quran and sunnah. Also if you disagree with someone then discuss with respect and evidence...and not to call an act you differ with as 'crap'.
respect and tolerance is the key.....
Submitted by Medarris on 30 October, 2005 - 16:55 #168
It should be noted by the people of intelligence that I have not specified who is a person of innovation. My comment was general, does any1 here deny that there exist people of innovation in our religion.
My target is the People of Innovation, you want me to specifiy, well sorry but I need to discuss with a person face to face before I can say with full confidence that HE specifically is a innovator. Yes I can say that people who do certain acts are PEOPLE of innovation, that is infact a principle in islam.
The Khawaarij are called Khawaarij, the shia are called shia, the people of bid'ah are called people of bid'ah.
Further there was only one person who said ''barelwi crap'', the rest did not so why are they being slandered as labelling things 'crap'.
The people who wish to understand will understand my isharah, and those who are determined on their path, will not accept no matter what truth is brought forward.
Further it should be noted, certain people are asking for proofs and evidences. Firstly this forum is not the palce for proofs and evidences, who the hell do WE think we are to casually discuss dalaa'il on a forum? This is a wretched act of arrogance. We who claim to love the awliya, should note that Imam Malik would not even recite darud without wudhu, that Imam Ahmad would never recline against anything if the name of an alim of truth was mentioned. That was darud, there is no condition for wudhu to read it, that was name of an alim, and still the aimmah showed so much adab and respect. Those who preach respect should knw that casually discussin major issues of deen in the manner they like is act of major jahaalat.
Before advising the people for etiquette perhaps they should spend a month in a madrassah, and learn what adab actually means?
It should be noted that I provided the full evidence for hanafi ruling on women and masaajid. Alhamdulillah, by ALLAH's fadhl I did mutala'ah of relevant kutub, brought forth a welath of evidence and the certain people rather than respecting the knowlegde presented, ewnt on to either give their own jahil opinions, or simply refused to accept it because they didnt want to.
This HIGH LEVEL of disrespect was most disheartening and I learnt a valuable lesson.
Any1 who is true in their seearch for knowledge will be gong to ulama and sitting at their feet to learn, those who wish to merely massage their ego will sit and debate and demand proofs, which they will respond to with posted articles, making themselves feel superior and winning.
I feel no shame in not responding to people here, the reason being that this is not the place for what people here are demanding. Come to a masjid, arrange to meet with me sometime inshaALLAH in a masjid, in the House of ALLAH, I will be willing and ready for it and with due respect and etiquette I will give the evidence, but here it is not teh time or the place.
Note: people who were quick to pounce on me, actually copy me in some acts. notably the k,salaam response. and this is a gud thing. mashaALLAH.
Come to a masjid, arrange to meet with me sometime inshaALLAH in a masjid, in the House of ALLAH, I will be willing and ready for it and with due respect and etiquette I will give the evidence, but here it is not teh time or the place.
too bad the Masjid u be sitting in won't allow women to enter in the first place...
Submitted by laila on 30 October, 2005 - 20:30 #170
"Med" wrote:
It should be noted by the people of intelligence that I have not specified who is a person of innovation. My comment was general, does any1 here deny that there exist people of innovation in our religion.
ok hands up its me since i am the only brelwi here
on a more important note can i ask the question has the poll been done for revival personality of the year? cos i want to vote now please thank you
Med I do not buy your stance. It has a hint if codswallop.
Shias are a group. They call themselves as shia, and are known as shia. same with Salafi. ditto with druze etc. The Kharijites are called so as they have exited Islam.
Now with the above groups being clrearly defined, how do you defin 'people of innovation?
Once again who is this illustrious group?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Med I do not buy your stance. It has a hint if codswallop.
Shias are a group. They call themselves as shia, and are known as shia. same with Salafi. ditto with druze etc. The Kharijites are called so as they have exited Islam.
Now with the above groups being clrearly defined, how do you defin 'people of innovation?
Once again who is this illustrious group?
he wont answer...because he cant..he just likes to throw false accusations against ppl who differ with him...
when the same allegation of bidah is thrown against him, he gets upset, he says we dont understand the concept of bidah, we are jaahil, this is not the place to give evidence.....blah blah blah...
its easy to give..but hard to take it back...
all i smell is arrogance, '...i am better than you, i am student of deen- you lot are jaahil... etc '
the evidence he gave about women and mosques...he expected us all to say o thank you Med, we agree with you 100%....because we didnt he kinda sulks....accusing us of not having proper ettiquettes...etc etc i and other also gave sufficient evidence on the subject...
Med, i would love to attend your mosque and discuss with you...
next time im in birmingham...or if you are near manchester...let me know...we will the mean time... put a break on your fatwa machine pls...
all you have done since you joined this forum is incite sectarianism.
Submitted by figi on 30 October, 2005 - 21:50 #173
to lightn da mood up slightly check dis chat up line out..
'sister r u shite? coz wen i saw u i fought to maself she aiiite!'
two date seeds
Submitted by equanimity on 30 October, 2005 - 21:51 #174
med bro if people are innovating surely they will be judged by allah (swt)
people just read into your beliefs , have an open mind use common sense and research for the truth
inshallah allah(swt) shall guide us to the right path and have mercy on us all
Submitted by Medarris on 30 October, 2005 - 23:51 #175
I pray that ALLAH guides our poor deluded minds into the light.
Peace a word from a Lord Most Merciful.
As for the people who say they answered the ruling of ahnaaf, please I didnt ask for hadeeth, hadeeth are replete with different meanings, different contexts. I humbly requested evidence that the ruling of ahnaaf has changed. Unfortunately some people openly lied and said they have given evidence, I am yet to wait.
No, I do not expect thanks, my problem is that the people do not show correct respect for the KNOWLEDGE. Even now they think it is me being arrogant for refusing to discuss in detail over here, do they not see that treating the matters of deen as trivia is a huge insult and swear?
Have they now understanding as to what this deen is? This deen is not a toy for people to play with for fun in forums, it is divine guidance. Yet they accuse me of arrogance for trying to maintain what little respect I can for deen?
To ALLAH is my complaint.
assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by jazzy on 31 October, 2005 - 00:18 #176
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
"naj" wrote:
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
i have a problem with ppl like Med who is quick to accuse others...
[b]i havent accused anyone of anything[/b]...just tried to correct Med when he labels fellow Muslims as x, y, z..
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
it seems as[b] naj[/b], khan 1, mastkuri, jazzy, med are all [u]obsessed[/u] with brelwi bashing and are [u]full of hatred against brelwis,[/u] [u]very quick to label everything they disagree with as brelwi crap,[/u] or 'hes a brelwi'.....
thats not accusing?
yep these are my quotes....
and NO thats not accusing. ..
your WRONG still classed under accused. so you did accuse. sometimes its hard to admit but come on
hey ppl
Submitted by Beast on 31 October, 2005 - 00:25 #177
Ed did say that there are people on this forum who are 'obsessed with brelwi bashing and are full of hatred against brelwis, very quick to label everything they disagree with as brelwi crap, or 'hes a brelwi'.....'
But I don't see anyone defending themselves against this except Naj.
Submitted by equanimity on 31 October, 2005 - 00:34 #178
brewli are quick to label anyone different from them as wahhabis and thats just as bad
Submitted by Beast on 31 October, 2005 - 00:38 #179
"Raf786" wrote:
brewli are quick to label anyone different from them as wahhabis and thats just as bad
Those who are quick to label people Wahabi are irresponsible.
Submitted by shawana on 31 October, 2005 - 00:40 #180
"irfghan" wrote:
Ed did say that there are people on this forum who are 'obsessed with brelwi bashing and are full of hatred against brelwis, very quick to label everything they disagree with as brelwi crap, or 'hes a brelwi'.....'
But I don't see anyone defending themselves against this except Naj.
im new here but ive been reading these posts. sis naj is talking the truth, mr ed should not have said that ..she mentioned somewhere her generation or something is brelwi so she cant hate them or say bad stuff she must took it to heart.jaz you right
im sure the prophet (pbuh) said there will be 72 different sects and only one will go to heaven (please correct if im wrong)
every school including baverli , deobandi and salafi accuse the other of being wrong some go as far as calling others kaffirs
dont you consider that as dividing islam
It's not every school.
It's certain people within these gruops who get a bit high and mighty and start lashing out.
They divide. They should be ignored.
We should accept the differences and let things be.
salafis are TOP, unfortunatly NOT 1..propa strict and that no BIDAT SHIDAT
hey ppl
Yep 72 sects of which only one wil enter heaven your right.
73 sects... one will go to Paradise...
That means 1 will go directly (depending on their actions...)
Others may have to go through the BBQ period.
You see knowledge is very important, as well as the understanding of that knowledge.
PS you must believe your beliefs are correct. If anyone differs, they are either wrong, or there is more than one position that one can take. You cannot believe your beliefs are wrong... You understand that point?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
admin i disagree , division is a curse the kaffir use it as a weopen
you ever heard the term
it is what the british used to destroy the once great islamic empire
they exploited the division between ottoman turks and arabs
and divided the islamic empire into states that to this day still fight over their british created boundaries
Sorry I meant difference (Of opinion).
It is a weakness in the individual if the difference of opinion divides hearts.
After all we should respect others opinions.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
It's the fault of the Turks and Arabs for having that tension between them in the first place.
my point exactly irfan they where [b]divided[/b]
which what lead to their downfall and decline
Today if all muslim people and nations got united we shall once again be the strongest and most advanced nation in the world, MASHAALAH
Turk/Arab tensions were to do with politics economics. Religious differences were secondary.
We should be united ofcourse. But that doesn't mean we should all become clones of each other and do exactly the same things.
bro why you have to make a positive in a negative
im not talking about an communist state, lol
However that is exactly what full conformance is. (IMO)
Not a communist state, but a community of drones. none able to think. Just follow orders.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
btw who said anything bout being clones and drones this is just something western society has influenced us and what keeps us divided
the divisions are due to idiocy and lack of understanding, not because it has been enforced upon us.
If you have read that topic Ettiquettes of disagreement, a major pointwas made.
A scholar wrote a book listing EVERYTHING all muslims agreed on. It was only about 250 pages. EVERYTHING ELSE HAD DISAGREEMENTS.
However the people of the time were knowledgeable, and they understood difference. They did not let it divide them.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
How can you have unity if you're not prepared to accept that people will follow Islam a little differently from one another?
Unity should not be about enforcing one set of rules. It's about accepting differences but focusing on the things that unite us.
thats not accusing?
yep these are my quotes....
and NO thats not accusing. I have never accused anyone of kufr, shirk, bidah etc.
The above clearly state that the above mentioned ppl are very quick to accuse others of alot of things, also that their Islam is better and more pure than others.
i dont have a problem if ppl hav edifferent beliefs to me...but i do have a problem if they accuse me of kufr, shirk, bidah....
the lesson is simple: believe whatever you want as long as you can back it up with quran and sunnah. Also if you disagree with someone then discuss with respect and evidence...and not to call an act you differ with as 'crap'.
respect and tolerance is the key.....
It should be noted by the people of intelligence that I have not specified who is a person of innovation. My comment was general, does any1 here deny that there exist people of innovation in our religion.
My target is the People of Innovation, you want me to specifiy, well sorry but I need to discuss with a person face to face before I can say with full confidence that HE specifically is a innovator. Yes I can say that people who do certain acts are PEOPLE of innovation, that is infact a principle in islam.
The Khawaarij are called Khawaarij, the shia are called shia, the people of bid'ah are called people of bid'ah.
Further there was only one person who said ''barelwi crap'', the rest did not so why are they being slandered as labelling things 'crap'.
The people who wish to understand will understand my isharah, and those who are determined on their path, will not accept no matter what truth is brought forward.
Further it should be noted, certain people are asking for proofs and evidences. Firstly this forum is not the palce for proofs and evidences, who the hell do WE think we are to casually discuss dalaa'il on a forum? This is a wretched act of arrogance. We who claim to love the awliya, should note that Imam Malik would not even recite darud without wudhu, that Imam Ahmad would never recline against anything if the name of an alim of truth was mentioned. That was darud, there is no condition for wudhu to read it, that was name of an alim, and still the aimmah showed so much adab and respect. Those who preach respect should knw that casually discussin major issues of deen in the manner they like is act of major jahaalat.
Before advising the people for etiquette perhaps they should spend a month in a madrassah, and learn what adab actually means?
It should be noted that I provided the full evidence for hanafi ruling on women and masaajid. Alhamdulillah, by ALLAH's fadhl I did mutala'ah of relevant kutub, brought forth a welath of evidence and the certain people rather than respecting the knowlegde presented, ewnt on to either give their own jahil opinions, or simply refused to accept it because they didnt want to.
This HIGH LEVEL of disrespect was most disheartening and I learnt a valuable lesson.
Any1 who is true in their seearch for knowledge will be gong to ulama and sitting at their feet to learn, those who wish to merely massage their ego will sit and debate and demand proofs, which they will respond to with posted articles, making themselves feel superior and winning.
I feel no shame in not responding to people here, the reason being that this is not the place for what people here are demanding. Come to a masjid, arrange to meet with me sometime inshaALLAH in a masjid, in the House of ALLAH, I will be willing and ready for it and with due respect and etiquette I will give the evidence, but here it is not teh time or the place.
Note: people who were quick to pounce on me, actually copy me in some acts. notably the k,salaam response. and this is a gud thing. mashaALLAH.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
too bad the Masjid u be sitting in won't allow women to enter in the first place...
ok hands up its me since i am the only brelwi here
on a more important note can i ask the question has the poll been done for revival personality of the year? cos i want to vote now please thank you
Med I do not buy your stance. It has a hint if codswallop.
Shias are a group. They call themselves as shia, and are known as shia. same with Salafi. ditto with druze etc. The Kharijites are called so as they have exited Islam.
Now with the above groups being clrearly defined, how do you defin 'people of innovation?
Once again who is this illustrious group?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
he wont answer...because he cant..he just likes to throw false accusations against ppl who differ with him...
when the same allegation of bidah is thrown against him, he gets upset, he says we dont understand the concept of bidah, we are jaahil, this is not the place to give evidence.....blah blah blah...
its easy to give..but hard to take it back...
all i smell is arrogance, '...i am better than you, i am student of deen- you lot are jaahil... etc '
the evidence he gave about women and mosques...he expected us all to say o thank you Med, we agree with you 100%....because we didnt he kinda sulks....accusing us of not having proper ettiquettes...etc etc i and other also gave sufficient evidence on the subject...
Med, i would love to attend your mosque and discuss with you...
next time im in birmingham...or if you are near manchester...let me know...we will the mean time... put a break on your fatwa machine pls...
all you have done since you joined this forum is incite sectarianism.
to lightn da mood up slightly check dis chat up line out..
'sister r u shite? coz wen i saw u i fought to maself she aiiite!'
two date seeds
med bro if people are innovating surely they will be judged by allah (swt)
people just read into your beliefs , have an open mind use common sense and research for the truth
inshallah allah(swt) shall guide us to the right path and have mercy on us all
I pray that ALLAH guides our poor deluded minds into the light.
Peace a word from a Lord Most Merciful.
As for the people who say they answered the ruling of ahnaaf, please I didnt ask for hadeeth, hadeeth are replete with different meanings, different contexts. I humbly requested evidence that the ruling of ahnaaf has changed. Unfortunately some people openly lied and said they have given evidence, I am yet to wait.
No, I do not expect thanks, my problem is that the people do not show correct respect for the KNOWLEDGE. Even now they think it is me being arrogant for refusing to discuss in detail over here, do they not see that treating the matters of deen as trivia is a huge insult and swear?
Have they now understanding as to what this deen is? This deen is not a toy for people to play with for fun in forums, it is divine guidance. Yet they accuse me of arrogance for trying to maintain what little respect I can for deen?
To ALLAH is my complaint.
assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
your WRONG still classed under accused. so you did accuse. sometimes its hard to admit but come on
hey ppl
Ed did say that there are people on this forum who are 'obsessed with brelwi bashing and are full of hatred against brelwis, very quick to label everything they disagree with as brelwi crap, or 'hes a brelwi'.....'
But I don't see anyone defending themselves against this except Naj.
brewli are quick to label anyone different from them as wahhabis and thats just as bad
Those who are quick to label people Wahabi are irresponsible.
im new here but ive been reading these posts. sis naj is talking the truth, mr ed should not have said that ..she mentioned somewhere her generation or something is brelwi so she cant hate them or say bad stuff she must took it to heart.jaz you right