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Man gets and forgets

Assalamu 'alaykum,

Someone once wisely said,

Allah gives and forgives
man gets and forgets

This video made my heart bleed.. Cray 2 im posting it just as a reminder.. (if someone feels that its inappropriate and in bad taste, then i'll be happy to remove it - but sometimes shock tactics make us sit up)

Please remember make du'a for all those who face hardship, suffering and adversity in the dunya.

Race Wars

where i come from there have been a lot of bengali-pakistani fights and violence purely to the fact of race or maybe not race other reasons aswell. I was just wandering what are your views on this? What i can do?
thank you

One Voice in London

Courtesy of [url=]Alif-Aleph UK[/url]:

[quote="[url=]One Voice[/url]"][list][size=15][color=green][b][url=][img]http://img92.imageshack....

FORGET WHAT YOU’VE BEEN TOLD[/list:u][/b][/size][/color]

Our campuses and communities are overflowing with literature and speakers about the Middle East conflict.

halaal donuts??

do you know that on the aol message board,,,,,,,someone has started a thread about halaal food?
The stupid woman told the following story.............

a lady in a burqa went in to greggs and asked for minced pies (halaal). After being old that greggs didn't sell halaal mince pies, she apparently went barmy!! and went out in a huff. But thats after she was told she should either leave the country or eat meat killed in british way! The guy at the counter said she originally came in to ask if their donuts were halaal!

It was horrible reading all the coments on there........

Blair bid to ban group 'opposed'

[b]Fresh attempts by Tony Blair to ban a radical Muslim group are facing opposition from the police and Home Office officials, the BBC has learned.
It is understood no direct links have been found between Hizb ut-Tahrir and a support for violence. [/b]

Home Office officials are also understood to be concerned a successful legal challenge to a ban would be highly damaging.

Hizb ut-Tahrir says it is opposed to violence.

The political party advocates the creation of an Islamic state across the Middle East.

Galloway Interviews Israeli Historian Ilan Pappe

[b]British MP George Galloway Interviews Israeli Historian Ilan Pappe on Talk Sport.[/b]

In his new book “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine ,” Ilan Pappe investigates the fate suffered by the indigenous population of 1940s Palestine at the hands of the Zionist political and military leadership.

With meticulous research, and drawing heavily on recently declassified military archives and cabinet meeting minutes, as well as the diaries and memoirs of the key players, Pappe methodically reconstructs the strategic planning and military operations during the British Mandate and the run-up to i
