Man gets and forgets

Assalamu 'alaykum,

Someone once wisely said,

Allah gives and forgives
man gets and forgets

This video made my heart bleed.. Cray 2 im posting it just as a reminder.. (if someone feels that its inappropriate and in bad taste, then i'll be happy to remove it - but sometimes shock tactics make us sit up)

Please remember make du'a for all those who face hardship, suffering and adversity in the dunya. Its easy to overlook the value of the luxuries that we enjoy here, and forget to thank our Creator for the blessings and mercy that He has showered upon us.

O Allah, make me a person full of gratitude and thanks for the blessings that You bestow upon me. Ameen.

O Allah, shield our children from the cages they find themselves in. Bring them ease and peace and laughter. Have mercy on their families and reward them with jannatal Firdous. Ameen.

"Show (thy) gratitude to Allah" (surah Luqman)