Forum Topics

The Noble Angels Of Allah(swt)


These are beings of a different nature from man. While man was created from soil they are created from light. And thus human beings-except Prophets--cannot see them in their original nature, but may see them if they take a physical form. Our knowledge of them is therefore almost entirely based on What God and his Prophets tell us about them.

But why should we bother to know about them?

Because they play a very big role in conducting our affair.


Assalamu allikum,

Alhamdulillah! Ehsan, performed on main stage at the Global Peace and Unity event on Sunday for being selected the winner of the Islam Channel Nasheed contest by Zain Bhika. Insha'Allah, Ehsan will be releasing his first album very soon. Please visit Ehsan's website to listen to some of his music free Nasheeds!!!


The Veil - A Mark Of Separation Or Statement Of Identity?

The Veil - A Mark Of Separation Or Statement Of Identity?

Jack Straw's comments on the veil opened a debate that many thought was overdue. The Muslim woman's dress, most noticeably the face veil is seen by many as a symbol of oppression and separateness. Yet those Muslim women who have spoken supporting the hijab (headscarf), niqab (face veil) and jilbab (outer garment) talk about their dress variously as liberating, symbolic of their distinctive identity, and a deeply important part of their religious practice to them.


i woke up late and had the traditional heavy, brekfast this morning

we went to someone's house just to see their new baby and they did my HEAD IN to eat :evil: :evil: :evil:

for the record-evryone in my immediate family has a very healthy appitite

-none of us watch our weight-nor does anyone have a weight problem

-many of us-esp my brother and older sister have a great love for good food

-if we want something we wouldnt ever refuse out of politeness


its not a good "host" thing-it takes the mick

my mum does the same to her guest-it proper annoys me

over-eating can LITERALLY make a person sick

Sunni Publications - A New Traditional Publishing House

Dear brothers and sisters,

[i]assalamu `alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuhu[/i]

Most of u may not have heard of me for a long time. That is because I have been heavily occupied with several projects, of which there is one in particular that I would like to call to your attention in this topic. This project which I am very happy and excited to announce is the beginning of a traditional publishing house and the upcoming release of several outstanding books that will be translated into English the coming year, insha'allah.

To what Extent Can We Participate?


When I was in school, sometimes I had girls asking me to cover up for them…you know, if their mum rang me or asked me where their daughter was I’d have to say, “yeh she’s with me”…whilst in actual fact they were somewhere else.

I never, ever agreed to get involved…not because of religious reason. But I was scared that if the girl got caught, I’d also get into trouble for covering up for her.
