Forum Topics

Suhaib Hasan - Who is he and why should I care?

Who is he, why was he attacked on some program and did he really change his views after the program?

If so, why did he change them? What did he change from and what to?

I am quoting from a post in another place:

(articles like show even the confusion, divisions and even political pressures on Western Muslim scholars to conform otherwise they are labelled preachers of hate and marginalised like what Ch. 4 did to Suhaib Hasan who in turn quickly turned and began to praise democracy - what can they do?)

What have you got out of The Revival?


The Revival, initially a NEWSLETTER, and now a MAGAZINE and WEBSITE has been aroung for about 10 years....

so the question I have is :




DO you/have you read the magazine? Has it had any kind of an impact in your life in any way?
Or have you never seen or read a copy?
Or you have read it now and then and you didnt make much of it?
Do you think The Revival caters for the issues facing you/ Muslim youth?

Are you a regular on the website/forum?
Has it benefitted you in any way?
Or is it just a social thing?

Do you think The Revival is doing a good jon in trying to be THE VOICE OF THE MUSLIM YOUTH?

Emergency National Demonstration - Are you going?


Demonstration tomorrow
Anyone going?
Do you beleive in matches/demonstrations?
what do they acheive?
Is it just a matter of feeling better or thinking you have done 'something'?
or is it vital to take part to show our support for our Palestinian brothers and sisters?

Emergency National Demonstration Saturday 5th June

The world has looked on aghast as more and more details emerge of the violent attack by the Israeli Government on the unarmed flotilla of boats carrying essential medical supplies to the besieged people of Gaza. Tens of people have been killed and scores more injured.

Those who survived the brutal attack have been illegally imprisoned, without access to legal representatives.

Hadith found on the aggregator!


I found (the translation of) a hadith on the aggregator!

In turn the site the feed comes from found it on Facebook!

In turn that person either got it from another site! or from Sahih Bukhari!

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, "Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the worst of false tales; and do not look for the others' faults and do not spy, and do not be jealous of one another, and do not desert (cut your relation with) one another, and do not hate one another; and O Allah's worshipers! Be brothers (as Allah has ordered you)!"
- Sahih Al Bukhari

Coach from Oldham for Emergency National Demonstration Saturday 5th June

Assalam alaikum,

Please see below for details of a national demonstration against Israel, this Saturday in London.

TSMY have organised a coach from Oldham, which will depart from Nagina Jamia Masjid, at 7.30am promptly. The cost will be £15 per person.

If you would like to join the demonstration, please contact us on the numbers below, to book a seat on the coach. Please hurry as spaces are limited.

Maulana Mohammed Faisal - 07811 251 599
Hafiz Mohammed Zahid - 07866 457 955


Emergency National Demonstration Saturday 5th June

During the Khilafat Rashidah, were Non Muslims allowed to drink alcohol?

Its an interesting question IMO and one born out of another topic that was discussing where "stop evil with your hands" ends and where "there is no compulsion in religion" starts.

We have 30 odd years of the application of Islamic law we can look back on that we all will agree with and not call the application in these circumstances into question...

So... during the Khitafat Rashidah, were Non Muslims allowed to drink alcohol?

Anyone read about it being banned for Christians/Jews/Others from drinking alcohol?

I would assume that if there is no recording of it being banned, it must have been a non issue and thus allowed.

Bilderberg 2010: Plutocracy with palm trees

The shadowy global elite is meeting in Sitges – and Charlie Skelton is there, hoping for a new spirit of CamCleggian openness

Another year, another Bilderberg. The first "participants" (as the delegates are known) won't be arriving until Thursday, but already the Hotel Dolce in Sitges is buzzing with anticipation. This Catalan seaside town hasn't hosted an event as large and politically sensitive as Bilderberg since the legendary 2008 Foam Party at the Mr Gay Sitges awards night.

Quit Facebook Day flops

Monday's Quit Facebook Day turned out to be something of a damp squib.

Just 34,100 of Facebook's more than 450 million members pledged to quit over privacy concerns. The low number is probably more a reflection of how hard it is to break the Facebook habit, rather than signifying acceptance of the simplified privacy controls introduced by the social network last week after much criticism, as QuitFacebookDay explains.

Read more @ The Register
