A one week intensive course on the spiritual diseases of the heart and its cures -
Get to know the realities of your heart!

The Great Scholar, Imam Al-Ghazali said:
There is nothing closer to you than yourself. If you don't know your self, how will you know others? You might say, "I know myself," but you are mistaken.... The only thing you know about your self is your physical appearance. The only thing you know about your inside, is that when you are hungry you eat, when you are angry, you fight, and when you are consumed by passion, you make love. In this regard you are equal to any animal. You have to seek the reality within yourself.... What are you? Where have you come from and where are you going. What is your role in the world? Why have you been created? Where does your happiness lie? If you would like to know yourself, you should know that you are created by two things. One is your body and your outer appearance (zahir) which you can see with your eyes. The other is your inner forces (batin). This is the part you cannot see, but you can know with your insight. The reality of your existence is in your inwardness . Everything is a servant of your inward heart.

Detach yourself from your busy lifestyle and retire to this one week course to understand the reality of your heart!

Monday 26th - Friday 30th July 2010
9:30AM - 1:30PM

King's College London
Guys Campus
Gowland Hopkins Lecture Theatre
London SE1

Also Teacher of The Ideal Muslimah, Path to Paradise & Muslimah Gems courses
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Purification of the soul is an integral part of our religion, something without which ones life is incomplete. This course aims to equip every attendee with sufficient knowledge of the heart to be able to cleanse and adorn it.

It is essential for every Muslimah to understand the position of her heart in light of the saying of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon him) who said:

"Lo! Verily, there is in the body a small piece of flesh; if it is good, the whole body is good, and if it is corrupted, the whole body is corrupted; lo! it is the heart”[sahih of al-bukhari]

An owner of a purified heart is said to be successful, whilst the owner of a tarnished one is said to be at loss.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says: “Success is really attained by him who purifies it. And failure is really suffered by him who pollutes it” [al-shams: 9-10]

Don’t miss this great chance to study two great texts:
Minhaj al-‘abideen (The way of the worshippers) of Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali
The Path to Perfection based on the teachings of Shaykh Ashraf ‘Ali Thanawi

Topics to be covered:
•The value of knowledge
•The valley of repentance
•The valley of obstacles and spiritual diseases
•The valley of adornment and spiritual remedies

ONLY £35 for the whole week!! 10% discount if you enrol before 30th June

Course material and Lunch included throughout the week!

All Profits go towards Muslim Hands' Orphan Home Project

Limited Spaces!! Enrol as soon as possible to secure your place inshaAllah!
Email: mhislamiccourses@gmail.com
[S] - 077 457 54118/ 078522 89393

As salamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

We are pleased to inform you that Alhamdulillah Mufti Abdur Rahman Ibn Yusuf Mangera will inshaAllah be commencing the course 'The Wonders of the Heart'! Spaces are limited and running out, so be sure to book your space as soon as possible inshaAllah!!

(Shaykh Mufti) Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera has been studying the traditional Islamic sciences and writing scholarly works for most of his life. He completed the bulk of his studies at Darul Uloom Bury, North England, where he memorized the Qur’an by age fifteen and thereafter went on to complete a rigorous, six-year Shari‘a program. He graduated from this program with authentic certifications [ijaza] in numerous Islamic disciplines, including Arabic, Islamic jurisprudence, and hadith (with particular emphasis on the six authentic books of hadith [Sihah Sitta] and the Muwattas of Imam Malik and Imam Muhammad).

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