Forum Topics

"An eye for an eye

Makes the whole world blind"

And "two wrongs don't make a right"

As i understand it though, I think the Shariah 'says' that if someone murders a loved one you're entitled to get revenge?

I'm not sure. But i've also read that any Shariah punishments including 'Hadd' penalties i think they're called, are cancelled out by repentance. Is this true?

Discuss (politely) in terms of Islam.

UK drug addict tells of Taliban recruitment

BBC Asian Network's Sanjiv Buttoo explains how a Muslim man went from being a drug addict in the UK to a militant fighting for the Taliban.

"They just gave me an AK47 assault rifle and I was taught how to strip the weapon, clean it and fire it as well as how to carry out guerrilla activities - I could not believe this was happening."

Irfan, whose name has been changed to protect his identity, recalls his experience of going to Pakistan and inadvertently being recruited by the Taliban.

His story arose because some Muslim parents in the UK send their children to Pakistan for them to beat an addiction to drugs.

In Irfan's case, throughout his late teens and early 20s he had found himself in and out of trouble with the police, while also being hooked on heroin.

Afghans say US team found huge potential mineral wealth

Afghanistan may have more than a trillion dollars worth of untapped mineral deposits, a spokesman for the ministry of mines has suggested.

A joint team from the Pentagon, US Geological Service and USAID has calculated Afghanistan's mineral deposits are worth at least $900bn.

Geological surveys discovered large quantities of iron and copper as well as valuable deposits of lithium.

But questions are being asked about the timing of the release of information.

Read more @ BBC News

Is there ANYONE who wants to go beyond talking about the youth to ACTUALLY helping?

Is there ANYONE who wants to go beyond talking about the youth to ACTUALLY helping? Deadline extended to 25th June.
Community Reporters wanted for national Muslim youth website:
