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Somali militants threaten World Cup TV viewers

Somali militants have threatened football fans they will be publicly flogged - or worse - if they are caught watching the World Cup on TV.

Gangs of Islamists are reported to be patrolling the areas they control looking for people watching games.

Dedicated fans are watching matches in secret, or in the few areas controlled by government forces.

On Saturday militants killed two people as they attacked a house where people were watching a game.

Militant group Hizbul-Islam also arrested 10 others at the house north-east of the capital Mogadishu where fans were watching the game between Argentina and Nigeria.

Read more @ BBC News

Should the destruction of Israel be a goal that Muslims hold to?

I am breaking this away from another topic where this was brought up, where anonymous1 was arguing about moderates and said:

They don't have a problem in relation to Israel and opposition to it on moral grounds and sending sticky plasters - they do have a problem against those who argue the govt is illegitimate and needs replacing militarily, ie the Islamic hukm of jihad! Moderates are already compromising on this and attacking those who call for a military solution via jihad - look at the posts on this site for example.

So is the destruction of Israel our goal?

How tolerant should we be of intolerance?

This is about intolerance in both Muslims and Non Muslims.

The question can be phrased in many ways to speak about many specifics:

1. The EDL are intolerant of Muslims (or what they call "extremist Muslims" which seems to cover all Muslims). Should their views be discussed, argued against, their protests counter protested, or should they be ignored?

2. The same can be said of Muslims. When Muslims present views that seem to not fit with your understanding of Islam, when they show intolerance (often towards other Muslims too), should their views be challenged or should they simply be ignored?

The problem with ignoring is that it may embolden people to go further because their views are unchecked and have not been scrutinised by reality.

Two months til Ramadan

Anyone looking forward to it or dreading it especially?

We are not either in rajab or almost in it - one of the four sacred months.

From Sahih Bukhari:

Narrated Abu Bakra:

The Prophet said. "(The division of time has turned to its original form which was current when Allah created the Heavens and the Earths. The year is of twelve months, out of which four months are sacred: Three are in succession Dhul-Qa' da, Dhul-Hijja and Muharram, and (the fourth is) Rajab of (the tribe of) Mudar which comes between Jumadi-ath-Thaniyah and Sha ban."

Moral relativism

= Haraam?

This is the beginning of the argument that went on in my head: (summarised points)

>Because we believe the Qur'an and it's content are absolute?

We are also able to decide if we believe in God or not, and we *must*do this

>We're meant to be tolerant of others though

We should follow the law of the country, this in itself is a different set of morals

< We should feel as though we 'have' to abide by these laws though, not that we want to. We should have complete faith in the shariah

And it went on like that,



so again who is a contemporary scholar, and can you give examples too. [i know you told me before but that post is buried under a whole lot of others and i can't even remember what topic it was in.]

Also HT = extremist? examples pls...

And which scholars, in particular, do u like and why?

The Hizb on Muslim Unity

I was asked to put my questions of the Hib Ut Tahrir to them instead of posting them here, and I did.

Just posting my original email and the reply here as others may find it interesting.

My Email:


A simple question on Muslim unity.

I think unity of the ummah is a big thing and the Hizb mentions it a bit as the answer to all evils in the world. However I cannot see the hizb actually practicing this.

As an example, many people protested against the assault on the Mavi marmara last saturday. Muslims and Non Muslims alike protested against it and for the siege on Gaza to be lifted.

However the hizb did not participate and chose to have its own separate protest the very next day, on sunday?

Where is the pracitising what you preach bit?

Was the BBC coverage of the Flotilla biased?

I did send them an email when it happened, and I have a response from them:

Thanks for your e-mail.

I understand you feel that coverage of the 'Freedom Flotilla' was biased towards Israel.

The BBC places very high importance on achieving impartiality in its coverage of the Middle East and all other issues and strongly rejects allegations of bias for or against either Israel or the Palestinians.

World cup Haraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!!

Salaam as you are all im sure its world cup time and everyones going football mad or nearly everybody but i recieved a leaflet today from a al-muhajiroun about how the world cup is haraam, this got me thinking is it really haraam? should we be watching football and engaging in the England campaign for world glory or is this some more ranting from nutters who learnt how to printer?
