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Finding a marriage partner...


now if you're single and you want to get do you go about finding a husband/wife?

you dont wanna go back home!
you dont wanna marry your cousin!
you dont wanna date!

so what do you do?

Those who are single here... how do you intend to find your marriage partner?

and those who are married how did you find yours?

I've always talked about setting up a revival matrimonial service.... and soon I'm thinking of setting up a matrimonial databse.... only because so many ppl out there cant find a compatible muslim marriage partner!

share your ideas pls...

When is a friendship not worth keeping?

Depending on what your definition of friendship is...

Something I came across made me ask this question...

A very close non-Muslim friend from primary school added me on Facebook the other day. I was surprised but pleased that he remembered me, and I spent some time reminiscing looking through his profile. Unfortunately, my heart sunk when I saw that he had been strongly for the ‘Draw Mohammed Day’ and had even designed some distasteful images of the Prophet in the name of ‘Freedom of speech’ (according to his profile). This got me thinking… Firstly, how should I react to this?


Home secretary Theresa May bans radical preacher Zakir Naik from entering UK

A radical preacher who claimed that “every Muslim should be a terrorist” has been banned from coming to Britain, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.

In her first major test of being tough on extremism, Theresa May, the new Home Secretary, said she was banning Zakir Naik from entering the UK.

Dr Naik, a 44-year-old Indian televangelist, had been due to give a series of lectures at arenas in Wembley Arena and Sheffield.

The Home Secretary can exclude or deport an individual if she thinks that their presence in the UK is not conducive to the public good.

Are you Paranoid yet?


£3m 'anti-terror' CCTV cameras 'set up to spy on Muslims' to be covered

The 218 cameras have sprung up in Birmingham’s Washwood Heath and Sparkbrook areas – to the outrage of residents who say they were not asked.

They have been paid for with £3million from the Association of Chief Police Officers’ terror and allied matters fund. None of them will be used until a public consultation exercise has taken place.

Rodger Godsiff, Lab­our MP for Hall Green, said: ‘Police have got themselves into a bit of a hole now because they have a difficult problem to explain to the public and try and get them on their side.

.‘If the money did not come out of a counter-terrorism budget they may have got a different reaction.’

A Bacon Substitute for Muslims??


Coventry farmer defends bacon substitute for Muslims

A Coventry farmer has insisted he is reacting to demand from traders in trying to give Muslims a taste of pork by producing bacon-style rashers from halal-slaughtered turkeys.

Rod Adlington's attempts to imitate the meat, which Muslims cannot eat because of their religion, has seen a Muslim scholar voice concerns that it could lead to people eating real bacon from pork.

The turkey farmer told BBC Asian Network he was reacting to requests from convenience stores he supplies to and said they wanted a "really good turkey bacon".

"We kept being asked for it and so we decided to produce it," he added.


Deleted the other topic but just reposting these links just in case.
im sure someone said ferrero rocher is haraam, according to this it isnt -

Phobia of Phrobia?

Idea from the topic on the Euthyphro dilemma.

Do you think it's okay to ask critical questions about God?

Does not acting them show More faith because you just trust in God or less faith because not acknowledging those questions make it look like you lack conviction and answers?

E.g God and Good,
If God is omnip, and omnib, why is there evil

Plastic bags to be put over Birmingham 'terror cameras'

Bags are to be put over scores of surveillance cameras in parts of Birmingham with large Muslim populations, after local objections.

Safer Birmingham Partnerships (SBP) said 216 cameras were put up, including hidden ones, mainly in the Washwood Heath and Sparkbrook districts.

The cameras were financed through a counter-terrorism fund, but the SBP said they would tackle all crime.

Councillor Salma Yaqoob said people had lost faith in the authorities.

Read more @ BBC News

Rory Bremner 'afraid' to joke about Islam

Rory Bremner, the political impressionist, said he fears joking about Islam could lead to his death due to the "chilling" issue of fundamentalism.

Bremner said self-censorship was the biggest obstacle today for comedians addressing topical issues, due to fears of retribution by extremists.

His comments came as he discussed the future of satire with Sir David Frost on a BBC documentary, Frost on Satire, to be broadcast on Thursday.

He said: "The greatest danger now is that one of the toughest issues of our time is religion.
