Forum Topics

Voting in Islam

EDIT - just breaking this away from here

Anonymous1 wrote:
Just look at even scholars lieing and distoring what elections actually mean to justify their fataawa of participating - they must really think we are all dumb and have no access to research papers and expert opinions on the topic...

Or they may be in the right and know better...

Why do you always expect Muslims to be so callous as to lie in order to justify their fataawa? The process works in the other way - they looka t the evidences and then make their rulings.

Free Muslim Schools!

Last week Michael Gove of the Con Dem Government announced a new initiative where people and communities will be able to get funding in order to start up new schools.

One small hitch he may have overlooked is that Many Muslims should find this idea extremely interesting - it allowes the Muslim community to open new schools if they can get together and suitably organised.

Cool innit?

A flaw in the Qur'an?

In chapter 5 of the Qur'an, "The Dinner table". There appears to be an obvious flaw in the text. the text in question being:

[5.116] And when Allah will say: O Isa son of Marium! did you say to men, Take me and my mother for two gods besides Allah he will say: Glory be to Thee, it did not befit me that I should say what I had no right to (say); if I had said it, Thou wouldst indeed have known it; Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I do not know what is in Thy mind, surely Thou art the great Knower of the unseen things.

Well, if this is referring to the Christian trinity, it is incorrect. The Christian trinity is god the father, Jesus the son and the holy Spirit. According to Christians, the mother of Jesus is a saint, not a god!

World Cup- Footy talk only!


For those hard core world cup footy fans...

here is where you can shout about the world cup...

***just footy talk here pls...***

whats happened to England?
Rooney, Gerrard, rubbish were they?

France- they deserve to go out...

Italy- just a bore?

spanish.... are they gonna bounce back...

Germany, Holland, Arhgentina n brazil look good...

so whose gonna win it....

who do you support....

whose been the best n worse player so far?

How to make your mum laugh...

...or your dad, or, for the sake of the discrimination act, your legal guardian.

Method: stand in the kitchen, making Bruce Lee noises and moves then say "do you want to fight me?" in a chinese accent (while holding the pose).

Biggrin this should do it but...

DISCLAIMER: Me or Revival is not responsible for any hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, scratching, saucepan hitting, cutlery throwing, rolling-pin-based chasing, towel strangling, or any kitchen related attemp of murder from your mother, father, legal guardian after trying to pull off this stunt.

ok, seriously guys, ever made your parents/guardian laughed? Share the stories?

:o no boys?!

It's just hit me, that there are No boys on therevival. Or very very few (I'm not sure what Funzo is, lol. Or anon really. No offence) but yeah no

there are older guys like at uni and older level
and there are young and older females

So why do you think there are no teenage boys on here?
The state of humanity?

'Taqiyya' - Jihad vs Suicide as wrong

Allowed in Sunni Islam?

"Some Sunnis assert that al-Taqiyya is an act of pure hypocrisy that serves to conceal the truth and reveal that which is the exact opposite (of the
truth). Furthermore, according to those Sunnis, al-Taqiyya constitutes a lack of faith and trust in Allah (SWT) because the person who conceals his
beliefs to spare himself from eminent danger is fearful of humans, when, in fact, he should be fearful of Allah (SWT) only. As such, this person is a

The same site says that Rejecting Taqiyya is rejecting the Qur'an, and gives these sources:

Ibn Abbas
