Forum Topics

Is it possible to force yourself to be a better person

I while ago I either read or came to the conclusion that for someone to change, they need both motive AND opportunity. Without one of the other, people will generally stay the same.

Motive is obvious - the person has to want to change.

Opportunity is less obvious - events or actions that jolt a person out of their comfort zones allowing them to try to get a few rounds of changes within them, to change (hopefully for the better).

Do you think this is true or can people force themselves to change otherwise?

How do people get themselves to change for the better?

The Rat Children - Pakistan [?!]

How can a mere myth ruin the lives of thousands of children? In Pakistan, microcephalics-babies born with abnormally small heads-are known as 'rats' and credited with god-like powers. Believers will give them money in the hope of blessings, but unscrupulous gangs of beggars are now exploiting this ancient tradition for their own ends. They kidnap young 'rat' children - or frighten parents into handing them over-and then force them into a lifetime of begging on the streets. They are lucrative-so much so that some people allege that normal babies are benig deliberately deformed to look like microcephalics. Why else, they ask, are there so many such children in Pakistan?

Ramadan: 2010 Edition

We've only got a month or so to go and someone mentioned yesterday that there should be a Ramadan thread.

So, all talks of preparations, aspirations and perspirations related to Ramadan can go in here.

Are you looking forward to Ramadan? Do you have any goals for the month? What will make you think of the month as a success? What would you consider a failure?

An Introduction to the Philosophy of Islamic Education | Ustaadh Ibrahim Osi-Efa | Preston | July 17, 2010‏

As salaamu alaikum,

The Messenger of God Peace be Upon Him said "The best charity a Muslim practices is acquiring some knowledge and teaching it to his brother" (Ibn Majah)

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

An Introduction to the Philosophy of Islamic Education

Unity Foundation is pleased to announce a lecture by guest speaker Ustaadh Ibrahim Osi-Efa* on the important topic of seeking an Islamic education (poster attached).

· Do you want to gain Islamic knowledge in an accessible and inclusive environment?

· Do you want to be taught by teachers who are passionate about teaching the beauty of Islam?

· Do you want access to teachers who have studied with internationally recognised scholars?

"I was an only child so I wanted to have a big family"

'Legendary' Gaza man and his ever-growing family

Driving along a dusty, potholed track in southern Gaza on the way to meet one of the territory's most prolific lovers, we were lost. We stopped to ask directions.

"Do you know Abu Talal's house?" I shouted out of the car window to a young boy by the side of the road.

"Yes, he's my grandfather," the child beamed.

Quite a coincidence you might think - until you hear that 82-year-old Abu Talal al-Najar says he has more than 430 grandchildren.

Read more @ BBC News


Someone I worked with mentioned that her son had gone to the prom last night and I think somneone on here mentioned their school having a prom too...

Is that not weird?

Maybe it is because I went to an Islamic school, but I had always thoyught that proms were something that only happened in America?

Was I wrong or is this a bit like trick or treating where it had managed to jump over the pond in a few places?

Mel Gibson: Christian Role Model


In one of the most explosive, racist and vile outbursts by a celebrity ever caught on tape, Mel Gibson told the mother of his love child that the way she was dressed would get her "raped by a pack of n***ers," has learned exclusively.

It's a shocking and blockbuster development in the couple's bitter legal battle, and Mel's disgusting words are on audio tape. His racist, misogynist statement is one of the secrets lurking in his war with his former girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva.

Finland makes broadband a 'legal right'

[quote="BBC News"]Speaking to the BBC, Finland's communication minister Suvi Linden explained the thinking behind the legislation: "We considered the role of the internet in Finns everyday life. Internet services are no longer just for entertainment.

"Finland has worked hard to develop an information society and a couple of years ago we realised not everyone had access," she said.

It is believed up to 96% of the population are already online and that only about 4,000 homes still need connecting to comply with the law.

In the UK internet penetration stands at 73%.
