Forum Topics

What's your favorite poem for The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)

Mine: it's in Arabic
أبحبّ أحبابي ألام ***** لا والذي خلق الأنام
عيناي بعد فراقهم ***** ما ذاقتا طيب المنام
إني شغفت بحبهم ***** من قبل نطقي بالكلام
وأنا فطيم رضاعهم ***** والطفل يؤلمه الفطام
ياساكنين المنحنى ***** ظهري من الشوق انحنى
يا واقفين على الصفا ***** قلبي بكم نال الصفا
منوا بحق المصطفى ***** للصب في دار السلام
ذهب الذين أحبهم ***** فعليك يا دنيا السلام
لا تذكرون العيش لي ***** فالعيش بعدهم حرام
ألمٌ وهمٌ دائمٌ ***** من بعدهم نار ضرام
والقلب يحيا متعباً ***** والجسم أرّقه السقام
يا ربّ اجمع شملنا ***** داوي جراحات عظام
وأجب دعاء معذّب ***** يدعوك في جنح الظلام

what's your favorite one ?

check this and listen to what you want:

Birmingham Single Muslims Marriage Event

Stareventsteam mission is to create a networking venue for professional Single Muslims. We understand there is a wide spread issue in the UK with so many Muslims struggling to find there match, Inshallah our aim and objectives is to help single muslims to find their life time partner.

We differentiate ourselves by creating an environment that fosters open communication and a balanced approach between the best of what eastern and western values have to offer.

The tone of our event is set with Islamic Values in mind, i.e; No Alcohol, No Dancing etc. Dinner is also included to make the day complete.

The first 30 female & first 30 male tickets will be sold at £25 each and £20 for associates, £30 there after.

Call for condemning and removing the blasphemous page on Social Network Website!

Call for condemning and removing the blasphemous page on social network website
Dated: 19 May 2010

The extremist malicious elements have most condemnably launched a page on the social network website for the world’s most sacrilegious event to draw sketches of our beloved Messenger Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). Their heinous designs intend to provoke the sentiments of billions of Muslims over the globe and force the world peace into the firestorm of outrageous protests and destructive demonstrations. Their sole objective is to injure the hearts of Muslims all over the world, and mire the international peace struggle steered by the peace loving Muslim communities into volcanic eruption of provocative protests.

Is divorce a sin?

Just a question separated from another topic.

Is divorce a sin?

I thought it wa a disliked but halaal action... meaning not a sin.

yes it has its taboos and social phobias etc, but that is not the same as a sin, so where the idea that it is a sin come from?

I also thought there were no prerequisites for divorce - that there was no requirements. People were allowed to divorce and as long as it was done in the right ways, there was no sin.

video of Cartoonist Lars Vilks "being attacked"

A few things before I get to the video:

1. The few seconds before the demonstrations start WILL offend Muslims.
2. The rest of the protest seems like straight forward civil disobedience to me - people shouting slogans.
3. Trying to offend people which the few seconds of the shown video clearly show as the aim is not the same as free speech.


I got the video from here where you can read the comments of other people who condiser the protesters in a different light to me.

Aqidah Tahawiyya Structured onlin Course - Starting June 2010

[CENTER]Assalamu 'alaykum wa-Rahmatullahi wa-Barakatuh


Sunni Courses Presents

Aqida Tahawiyya - 10-12 weeks Structured Online Course

Under the auspicious guidance of

Shaykh Abul Hasan Hussain Ahmed


Sunni Courses are honoured to be able to hold an online 'Aqida Tahawiyya course with the noble Shaykh Abul Hasan Hussain Ahmed (hafidhahullah). Students (male or female) from across the globe will get the opportunity to benefit immensely from this 10-12 weeks structured course.

[B]Commencing on:[/B] Saturday 5 June 2010
[B]Duration:[/B] 10-12 weeks
[B]Time:[/B] 10pm - 12am (BST)

Milk... in a bag

Ok, the other day when in Sainsburys I spotted something strange - milk. in a bag.

It was next to the 2 litre cartons, but it was in a bag.

Pricewise, it was 3p cheaper than the carton. but its in a bag.

Am I the only one who finds it strange that people can purchase milk in a bag? Doesn't seem like a very secure way to transport milk.

The people pushing it think it produces less waste. But its milk. in a bag.

it goes in a jug which you can buy separately - for more than the 3p you save over the cartons.

Do any you buy milk in a bag?
