


(1) Refrain from sleeping between Subah and Ishraq; Asr and Maghrib; Maghrib and Isha
(2) Avoid sitting with stingy people
(3) Don’t sleep between people who sit
(4) Don’t eat and drink with your left hand
(5) Don’t eat those food you have taken out between your teeth
Diablo Don’t break your knuckles
(7) Don’t look at the mirror in the night
(8) Don’t look at the sky while in salaath
(9) Don’t spit in the toilet
(10) Don’t clean your teeth with charcoal
(11) Sit and wear your trousers
(12) Don’t break tough things with your teeth
(13) Don’t blow on your food when it’s hot
(14) Don’t look for faults of others
(15) Don’t talk between iqamath and azan

An unborn's conversation with Allah The Almighty

A baby asked Allah, 'They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow,
but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?' Allah
said, 'Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you,
don't be scared.'

The child further inquired, 'But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to
do anything but sing and smile to be happy. 'Allah said, 'Your angel
will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your
angel's love and be very happy.'

Again the child asked, 'And how am I going to be able to understand when
people talk to me if I don't know their language?' Allah said, 'Your
angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever
hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to
speak their language.'

Surah Al-Hajj

Just finished reading Surah Hajj and wanted to share those two ayahs

Ayah 11. And among mankind is he who worships Allah as it were, upon the very edge (i.e. in doubt); if good befalls him, he is content therewith; but if a trial befalls him, he turns back on his face (i.e. reverts back to disbelief after embracing Islam). He loses both this world and the Hereafter. That is the evident loss.

Scary...we're all happy bunnies, fasting, praying etc..and when the going gets tough...

I want them to say: 'Al-akl ladheedh' (the food is delicious)

Yesterday I went to my friend's house for Iftaar and next week (maybe the 1st or 2nd of September) I’m hoping to do my own ‘Everyone come over Iftaar’. I’ve had a bit of trouble with the menu planning today but I got through it (well the main part of it). Then again, however, but (the big but!), I do have one problem. Before I tell you that let’s go through what I’m planning so far:

Two guys were lost in the sahara desert...

One was called David, the other Michael.

They were dying of hunger and thirst, when they suddenly and unexpectedly came upon an oasis, with what looked like an emirate with a mosque in the middle.

David said to Michael, "look, lets pretend we're Muslims, otherwise we won't get any food or drink. I'm going to call myself Mohammed."

Michael refused to change his name, he said: "My name is Michael and i won't pretend to be someone else."

The Imam of the mosque received both well and asked them their names. David said "My name is Mohammed" and Michael replied, "My name is Michael".

The Imam turned to the helpers of the mosque and said "Please bring some food and water for Michael Only." and then he turned to David, continuing "Salaam brother, Ramadan Mubarak..."

'A sad soul can kill you quicker than a germ' - John Steinbeck (Author of Of Mice and Men - Greattt book btw)

Sometimes when I’m upset (I’m not upset now – I’m just saying) I forget how to be happy. It feels foreign to smile and I actually have no recollection of happy times. It's weird actually. At this point everything that has ever upset me (ok well the major times) comes rushing back and I feel upset at that too – even if it has nothing to do with why I’m upset in the first place. These major things are usually things that only bother me when I think about them (as in reflect on them) and time and time again I have told myself that I forgive the people that had upset me (during these major times). So does this mean that each time I forgive them, I actually don’t forgive them? Can anyone really forgive anyone?

It's true!

When the Isreali/Arab conflicts were going on, I lost many famuily members.
I didn't know who was right, who was wrong. I just knew that humanity did not exist.
My good friend knew how upset I was about it, so he sent me this....which made me smile...
This is for people, who like me can't sleep at night, wondering what is going on , over there....

An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly and made the world community smile!!!!!

The Palestinian Representative's Speech at the UN

'Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Moses. When he struck the rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a good opportunity to have a bath!'

The Pope and the Sheikh

Seeing the amusing side of conflict too....

The pope and the Sheikh

Several centuries ago, the Pope decreed that all the Muslims had to convert to Catholicism or leave Italy.

There was a huge outcry from the Muslim community, so the Pope offered a deal.

He'd have a religious debate with the leader of the Muslim community. If the Muslims won, they could stay in Italy; and if the Pope won, they'd have to convert or leave.

The Muslim people met and picked an aged and wise Sheikh to represent them in the debate.

However, as the Sheikh spoke no Italian, and the Pope spoke no Persian, they agreed that it would be a "silent" debate.

On the chosen day the Pope and Sheikh sat opposite each other.

The Pope raised his hand and showed three fingers.
