
Chapter Four and Five.

Chapter 4: The important of Loving and Hating For Allah (subhanahou wata’ala)

This is a really small chapter,
The prophet (pbuh) said: "Indeed the firmest handhold from eemaan is that you love for
Allaah and hate for Allaah." (Reported by Ahmad 4/286, Ibn Abee Shaybah in
al-Eemaan [no. 110] and at-Tayaalisee 2/48 of Minhatul-Ma'bood] - from al-Baraa
ibn 'Aazib. The hadeeth is hasan due to supporting narrations from a number of

Chapter Five: Ways to Strengthen One’s Love for Allah (subhanahou wata’ala)

1) Informing the one you love that you love him for Allah’s sake.

The prophet (pbuh) said: "If one of you loves his brother then let him tell
that he loves him." (Reported by al-Bukhari in ad-Adaabul-

Chapter Three: Milestones showing the way (manhaj)

The way to…??

Eeman of course!! And inshallah Shade of Allah’s throne on the day where there will be no other shade and inshallah *drum roll* JANNAH! Biggrin

The prophet (pbuh) said: "There are seven whom Allah will shade in His Shade on the Day when
there is no shade except His shade. The just ruler; a youth who grew up upon the
worship of His Lord; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two men who
love each other only for Allah's sake - meeting and parting for that; a man whom a
woman of noble birth and beauty calls to commit fornication but (he) refuses and
says: "I fear Allah"; a man who gives charity secretly so that his left hand does
not know what his right hand gives; and a man who remembers Allah in private and

Chapter Two: Why should loving and hating be for Allah’s sake Alone?

(why should you love what Allah, He who created you and gave you all you’ve got, (and that includes the sight you using to read this, the fingers you’re using to scroll down, the brain to work the computer and having ended up on this page, the money you got for buying the PC/phone you’re using to read this, the house and seat you’re in/on while reading this)loves and not love what the celebrity-who-doesnt-know-you-exist loves.) <--not part of the book, just a personal touch.

1) From the completion of a person’s love for his lord and for the messenger of Allah (pbuh) is that he loves that which Allah loves.

do i need say more?

Love and hate for the sake of Allah ( by Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee) (chapter one)

I just finished reading this book and I have decided to share what I have learnt because I think this is quite an interesting/important topic. I hope my words are easy to understand and that you benefit from reading what follows.

Chapter One: What is Loving and Hating for the sake of Allah.

Loving for the sake ~of Allah means that you love a person because of their deen. And hating them is the opposite, aka, hating them for their lack or the “corruption” in their deen.
He (pbuh) said: "There are three characteristics whoever has them will find the
sweetness of faith: that Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to him than all



My name is Isha al-Maghribi, and I'm a new member of the revival.
I thought I'd just introduce myself as I was advised to do so.
So, yeah,nice to meet you all, and I hope you are people that will hold a significant position in my life, and someone worthy of remembering.
I've been a member for like 3 hours so far, and it's been very welcoming, so shokran for that.


Endless Possibility

At 00.18 (today so before Sehri and after Taraweeh) my phone started to vibrate and the caller? Well exactly. Weirdly I had the number saved under ‘?!’ – Ok somewhere at the back of my mind I vaguely remember saving the number as that but I actually have no idea why. So the detective in me gets to work (a mixture of, lets say Columbo, Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) and of course Monk – tell me you watch or at least have heard of these!)

Ok so, my analysis:

The question mark ‘?’ (Visual aid) suggests I don’t know who the number belongs to while the exclamation mark ‘!’ (It’s helping right?) has connotations of a warning perhaps? Or perhaps importance. Although if the latter was the case wouldn’t I have simply typed the persons name?

Chocolate Marble Cake = AWESOME!

Alot of people think the best cake is the chocolate fudge cake, id disagree. Its just too chocolatey to be enjoyed properly.

The best of both worlds. The Chocolate Marble cake. Its not too chocolatey and its not a boring plain cake either. Great for guests if you're looking for a lil something new and different... instead of the boring same old sweet dishes.


-225g butter
-225g caster sugar
-225g Plain flour
-50ml of Milk
-50g of Cocoa powder.
-4 Eggs.
-2 tsp baking powder.
-2 tsp vanilla extract


Step 1: Pre-heat the oven to 180'c and butter the sides of a baking tin. You can also use greaseproof paper (available at your nearest supermarket).

The longest fast

No not today/yesterday, but time ago.

Back, time ago I went for umrah. as you do. during ramadan. As you do. Because my mum wanted to go and I had calculated that if I said no, I wouldn't hear the end of it for atleast a year. As you do.

any way, I tried at first to sort of drag my feet but eventually everything got sorted and we were off on our way.
