Chapter Four and Five.
Chapter 4: The important of Loving and Hating For Allah (subhanahou wata’ala)
This is a really small chapter,
The prophet (pbuh) said: "Indeed the firmest handhold from eemaan is that you love for
Allaah and hate for Allaah." (Reported by Ahmad 4/286, Ibn Abee Shaybah in
al-Eemaan [no. 110] and at-Tayaalisee 2/48 of Minhatul-Ma'bood] - from al-Baraa
ibn 'Aazib. The hadeeth is hasan due to supporting narrations from a number of
Chapter Five: Ways to Strengthen One’s Love for Allah (subhanahou wata’ala)
1) Informing the one you love that you love him for Allah’s sake.
The prophet (pbuh) said: "If one of you loves his brother then let him tell
that he loves him." (Reported by al-Bukhari in ad-Adaabul-