The land of the purest
Just imagine a fairy tale - a tale in which everyone starts to be good.
They may not be perfect, but they "be good".
That would be a wonderful world wouldn't it? Or would it?
If you are really security conscious and just one antivirus program for your PC is not enough, surely instally two will be twice as good, right? (wrong - they conflict and can cause great harm where they fight each other instead of viruses potentially allowing them trhough and slowing your system down greatly.)
Some times people can try too hard in things and this can lead to unnecessary hardship.
RE: How to look good.. covered
i have exactly the same problem. But never thought about posting anything…
How to look good.. covered
I’ve worn an Abaya (permanently) before – during my first year of uni actually, but after a couple of glitches I had to revert back to wearing ‘normal’ clothes and since then, even though I do consider wearing it again (in fact I had some tailor-made recently) I sort of feel like my ‘normal’ wardrobe will be wasted (yes it could possibly be my nafs talking).
I mean I do wear the Abaya but it’s really not a solid thing, I wear it to the Masjid or at home (beats having so many fiddly bits when relaxing) or even when I go out sometimes. But..
[BBC North West Tonight] First Ever Anti-Terror Camp
You are what you eat
.. Says Gillian Mckeith!
But some foods are just too darn delicious! So everyone's going on at us to be healthy and stuff which means cutting out the take-aways and the overeating of carbs andd - blah dii doo da but the list really does seem to go on.. And on and on!
So I like chicken fillet burgers and chips , fish and chips (chips seem to be becoming a common factor but I actually like them more as a accompaniment than on their own), pizza, sharwarmas (have to be lamb), lamb chops (any shape or form) andddd more and more and more!
Chapter Six, Seven, Eight and Nine ( IS a summary..)
ok, now that i started i gotta finish, im stupid like that, i would even finish reading a stupid book, for the sole reason that i started it. So..euh..sorry for hogging the "recent blogposts" thingy. just two more to go.
Chapter Six: the virtues of Loving and Hating for Allah.
1) Allah the magnificient, loves those who love one another for his sake
The prophet (pbuh) said: "Allah, the Most High, said:
My love is due for those who love one another for My sake..." (Reported by Ahmad
[5/229], al-Haakim [4/169] and others from the hadith of 'Ubaadah ibnas-Saamit,
radiyAllahu 'anhu, and it is saheeh.)
Tying up a couple of loose ends
Didn’t go to work today so actually had a fairly free-ish day. It was productive.
Firstly I finished reading the Qur’an (I read the latter half with the English translation as well as a commentary – which I was very proud of – oh and it was only latter half because my pops gave me this specific Qur’an when I was around half way). I actually had a buzzing feeling when I read the End-of-Qur’an Du’a and am hoping to start it again tomorrow, after I pray Fajr which means that the next time I read the Du’a it’ll be when I’ve finished reading the Arabic, the English, anddd the commentary InshaAllah! (Big accomplishment.. for me anyway)
Secondly - wait we'll get there in a bit.. I hope