
Once you get people laughing, they're listening and you can tell them almost anything. [Herbert Gardner]

When I was younger, my sister called me into the kitchen and held a small purple tin in her hands. I think I could read, or maybe it was just that I recognised the sign. Cadbury’s. No that just sounded good. I could definitely read. I've always been a reader.

She smiled at me lovingly and asked if I wanted to smell something. I was pretty indifferent to be honest and probably shrugged or something, she took that as a yes and lifted off the lid.

As she did, I caught a quick whiff but she prompts me to smell the fine dark brown power inside, properly. Cocoa Powder. The smell rushed to my nose, it seeped through the air instantly and alerted my senses.

Blurting secrets

The title is a little misleading if I’m perfectly honest. But we’ll (by that I use myself in third person) discuss it anyway.

Have you ever felt the need to say something over and over because you can’t get over it? I have (all the time really). So today during a little texting conversation that I have going, I mentioned something that, on the one hand I wanted to but on the other I wanted to keep it hidden. Now this thing that I said was actually something of my own. It was my secret (if you could call it that). I think that the people who shared this ‘secret’ or rather ‘thing’ with me all understood it to different levels.

Hear, hear Mr Greene

So the sky is blue and the grass is green. Ok I feel like that’s a beginning of a poem but poetry is something that I write for myself (well at the moment anyway). Topic = Writing.

At home people think that I spend a lot of time on the Lappy when in reality I actually only come on here, well in the evenings – around this time to, well, write. I never had an outlet before, ever. It was always me you know there, doing whatever with no outlet – like a headless chicken (buk, buk – that is the right sound isn’t it?). Although I did/do write (paper or Word usually) when I’m upset – a lot. It eases the pain if you get me, kinda like writing this blog except writing on paper or Word isn’t announcing it to the world like I’m sort of doing here.

Need Knowledge on Gaza/palastine crises

Salam Biggrin
i hear alot about gaza and palistine
i dont know the underlining causes of it
like why it started, how, whos killin these inncoent people,,,
hows islam related with it
can u please help me out
i want to gain knoweldge in this subject...
hopefully u can help

God Bless U !! Biggrin
