LookingToSee's blog

3 guarantees of paradize

reported Abu Umaamah:

“I guarantee a house in

Jannah (Paradise) for one who gives up arguing, even if he is in the

right; and I guarantee a house in the middle of Jannah for one who

abandons lying even for the sake of fun; and I guarantee a house in the

highest part of Jannah for one who has good manners”

[Prophet Muhammad SAWS - reported by Imam Abu Dawud]

Apple and Date cake

4 eggs, 15g of baking powder, mix

1 yogurt, 1 cup of sugar, 3/4 cup of oil, mix

3.5 cups of plain flour + 1/2 cup of self raising flour. or just put 4 cups of plain flour to make things simple. basically add flour until you get the "right" consistency, it was to be smoothly flowing and leave a mark on the batter. but not too flowy.

1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder

1 apple cut in cubes, (or however much you wanna put in) and 5 dates (or however much you wanna put it, tis all UP TO YOU)

Mix (with a spatula if you want so the apples/dates dont get destroyed)


150 ish, 45 ish minutes (just poke it and see if its dry in the middle)




Looking for God



Looking for God

By: Yasmin Mogahed


I’ve been looking for God my whole life. I just didn’t know it. When we study those things that we all seek—in life, in a companion, in everything—we’ll find that both the believer and the atheist are actually just seeking God. See, God is the designer. Whether you’re an atheist or a believer, God is the designer of your needs, youraffinities, your inclinations. And He has designed these inner drives to fit the natural order: tawheed (to seek, recognize and submit to one single higher power).

Think for a moment about what you and I seek. What do you look for in a companion, for example? What are we running after and willing to give anything just to hear?

“I’m taking care of you.”

Muslim Children and Christmas

how do you explain it to them? that its wrong? im trying to tell her the story and explain to her why we dont celebrate it etc.. but xmas is so gliterry and heartwarming through this so very cold spell that attachment just forms and it just wins little heart over.


i just got home from picking my lil sister up. havent even taken my coat off yet.. im a lil bit annoyed that it's IMAAN who gave her the first xmas card. kids these days..back in my days you didnt get cards in YEAR 1. do people have money to spare or sum'in?


duah it is.


what abt the xmas play? lol

and all those so-very-wrong-meaning songs, i dont mind them... trying to get them out of her head by playing nasheeds at home instead LOL.

Why do I like planes so much?

Ive just been trying to figure this one out. why is it that i like planes and flying so much?

right now its a pretty blank blank. i really cant think of anything "concrete".

the only thing ive come up with so far is:

I like flying because of the travelling, of the amazingness that is an aeroplane, because i get to carry people to places, because of how humans have shorten distances so much and linked the whole world together and made going places a lot easier.

but this doesnt feel like its IT. it's close..especially the bit about the amazingness of the aeroplane but its not quite IT! and its ARGH-ing me!! I WANT TO KNOW!


Reminding myself as i'm getting lost - Purpose in life



“And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone). I seek not any provision from them not do I ask that they should fee Me. Verily, Allah is the All-Provider, Owner of Power, the Most Strong.” (51:56-58)


just researching Stuff. Zionism n what ensues..

so i wiki Zionism and its basicallt what i thought it was.when you believe Jews deserve a state of their own..more precisely Jerusalem.


i always thought Zion was a person, but turns out its just another name for Jerusalem, then i see Kabbala mention on that page so I wiki "scientology" (as you do...)




they're really hard to bring to reality, arent they? there's so many external factors that would cant help that comes and just turn your plans tupsy turvy.


and then you feel down in the dump - that expression is too nicely sounding to express how you feel when a dream doesnt happen. but whatever, cnt be bothered to think of something else...


so then u get this idea, whats the point of even having dreams if they might just get crushed like this?

or they might not.

