LookingToSee's blog

strength before technique

in martial arts, you need to build strength and power before learning techniques.
i believe in this whole "strength before technique" thing there is also a metaphor for other things in life. im a bit tired to figure out. feel free to speculate aaaway
also, if you come across any links abt power/muscle/strength building for smaller people throw them this way ^_^ muscle building for girls n that.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNCG8PQGhwU halal dreams are okay. iwe just musnt get distracted. thats hard.

short reminder about Salaah - Mufti Menk

a short, just under half an hour video about salaah, something we do 5 times a day. because we do it so often, the how, whys, whats etc...kinda becomes blurry in our minds, this is a beautiful reminder i just listened to mashaaAllah. Most of the stuff in there you probably already know, but bringing it back to the front of our mind is important.  advice and reminder are important in our religion. and faith has levels and increases and decreases; i pray this video will be a booster to your imaan level. Ameen.



sturdy storage device

assalaamu'alaikum all!

Im looking for recommendations for a sturdy storage space, something more sturdy than a USB. coz i use more than one PC i hardly save anything on computers, everything is done on the USB and theres no backup and this is precious work that i cant aford to lose just by one day plugging my USB in and getting a "windows cannot recognise hardware" message. yes inshaaAllah i will be putting all my precious work onto another usb later today.


theres also uni notes, which are all on pdf and notes attached, i dont need those right now, semester 1 is done, i just need a place to keep them. (again they might probably be moved to that OTHER usb which was bought for the sole purpose of storage lol)

watch your word.

Abū Hurairah reports that the Messenger of Allāh sallAllahu'alaihiwassalam said: “A person may speak a word, not realizing what he is saying, and he will fall because of it into the Fire further than the distance between the East and West.” (Reported by
Bukhaaree 5996, and Muslim 5304)



Handbags and storage

Sisters, girlies, ladies!

where do you store your handbags?! i just dont know where to put them.

they're not ALL mine. i only have like 1 big bag for lessons, a smaller bag for well..when the big one isnt needed and a side sporty type of bag for when you just need your bus pass, moneyz and phone. (and sometimes a book can fit as well (Y) ) so im okay, these bags are just around doing their own thing.

but there's FOUR females in our house! (ok, the last one is 5 but shes the one with the MOST stuff)

so there's 3 females in this household with a multitude of bags. theres school bag, madrassah bag, going out bag, etc...

so there's about 9/10 bags in different colours and shapes that need to be stored somewhere.
