sturdy storage device

assalaamu'alaikum all!

Im looking for recommendations for a sturdy storage space, something more sturdy than a USB. coz i use more than one PC i hardly save anything on computers, everything is done on the USB and theres no backup and this is precious work that i cant aford to lose just by one day plugging my USB in and getting a "windows cannot recognise hardware" message. yes inshaaAllah i will be putting all my precious work onto another usb later today.


theres also uni notes, which are all on pdf and notes attached, i dont need those right now, semester 1 is done, i just need a place to keep them. (again they might probably be moved to that OTHER usb which was bought for the sole purpose of storage lol)

but apart from a usb, what can i get to put all that work that i just need to keep for future references on?


an external hardrive? suggestions please


I'd recommend a product from a company called 'Transcend'. Its a 2.5'' Portable Hard Drive. One touch backup. Shockproof. Slip Resistant. I think its ideal for you, so long as you don't mind it being a LOT more larger than your standard USB size and about 5 times the price of your standard USB. We have one in our house, it's got the entire houses files, folders and USB stored documents in there - 500GB.

This is what it looks like:

I've found something similar on amazon:


your description sounds awesome, but is there something a little bit less big (and hence cheaper). because i cnt quite afford it but i trust transcend. (thts the usb make i use) and i dnt mind paying the money but i actually dont need 500GB i dont think...

what does the 1 touch backup thing means? you just plug it into your pc and click that button and it backs up your file? without you having to delete copies and that?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Well in that Youtube video, it did mention that you can get them with a reduced amount of GB and i'm almost certain you won't need that many either. Prices would reduce quite a bit too then. 320GB - £10 cheaper? It's probably still not in your budget lol.

I don't know how that backup thing works. Once i ask my dad how he does it, i'll get back to you.