in martial arts, you need to build strength and power before learning techniques.
i believe in this whole "strength before technique" thing there is also a metaphor for other things in life. im a bit tired to figure out. feel free to speculate aaaway
also, if you come across any links abt power/muscle/strength building for smaller people throw them this way ^_^ muscle building for girls n that. halal dreams are okay. iwe just musnt get distracted. thats hard.
Mufti Menk is HILARIOUS! Thanks for sharing that video!
without relistening to the vid, whats the moral of the story?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I remember his story so vividly that's how much it made me laugh. I could listen to him all day, honestly.
He was saying something along the lines of: even when you have one small bad thing that happens in your life that you see as a destruction (like how the milk dropped), it can shatter the rest of the plans that you made and the dreams you dreamt of (like buying a chicken, selling the eggs, then buying sheep, cows and employing people to work for you AND getting married lol).
I think we all need to remember that anything that happens to us which we see as bad for us, is from Allah and it could be that we are being saved from something which is even worse.
We need to have that strength, ability and technique to know how to pick ourselves up again when we're faced with obstacles that come in our way. Then we need to use what we learnt from that obstacle (in terms of technique) to face anything else that comes in our way which tries to stop us from reaching our ultimate aim.
i like that technique mention (Y) how dyou develop that kinda of strength though?
and you went all english teacher on us here. he said the moral was that if you dont be careful, one small distraction can shatter your dreams and you went in a tafseeer of that statement *kidding*
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
ROFL. A Tafseeeer?! It's nowhere near that. You told me not to re-listen to the video, so i deliberately didn't lol. I could've just watched the ending and copied it exact, word for word, but i didn't. That's what YOU did lol. I just thought i should mention the moral as best as i could and then add on abit of what i had to say. Teeheehee.
i only listened to it twice. and hadnt listened to it before posting my last post. so doooont blame me for your long windedness *kidding*
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Go away lilly.
I would disagree with the whole strength before technique. Especially for lil girly girls. Because what you dont want to do is match an opponents power with power. And a lot of techniques are designed to take down a much bigger opponenet. The right strikes to the right spots and you're golden.
Not saying physical strength is not important. Ofcourse if your a big burly lass and can easily over power them go for it.
But more important than both these is resolve.
PS I didnt watch the video... what? im at work!!
Back in BLACK
i extrapolated soething else from Mufti Menk's story. that little disctraction, it didnt completely shatter his dream, it jsut shattered an easier path to that dream, but we shldnt give up. just like that man is going to have to make 20 trips at 50p to get that £10 to buy those chickens, just the same for us. if we do get distracted (and its bound to happen but may Allah protext us from Shaytaan and his evil tricks and temptation) we shldnt give up on our dreams.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
double posting...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
So rightly said.