LookingToSee's blog

the wrongest reasons to get married

i think one of the wrongest reasons to get married is to run away from your family. leaving your family and starting a new one on this foundation sounds like a recipe for disaster. especially with the importance of marriage and family in Islam.

One of the ways to find a husband is through your parents; and if you're not having the best relationship with them how are you going to do that?

Islam, Dawah and Family by Nouman Ali Khan

you're going to get the hardest time, the worst sarcasm and insults from your family when you try and become a better muslim, when you try to learn more and practise Islam better.

we've got to have patience and not lose hope. not lose our cool.

and remember:

Abu Lahab - the uncle and neighbour of the prophet (pbuh). the one who went out and celebrate when the prophet (pbuh)'s son died
Abu Jahl - another uncle.

they were Family - and the worst worst worst ennemies of the prophet (pbuh) and of Islam.

and its hard to make dawah to family. especially to older generations. so when it is hard to make talking dawah then the other solution is manners. staying courteous, polite, when they insult the next day you call them.

Part 3 - episode 8


smaller diseases of the heart:

someone's right is taking away, he feels sad/frustrated. the right way to deal with this small illness is by giving him his rights back with justice. but if he transgresses against that person then his heart will be affected and he will become more aggresive and will find it easy to take people's right away from them.

someone's sad. we give him good news. but some people treat their sadness with the wrong type of happiness - eg: hurting other , taking their rights away = thats a disease of the heart.

^^this is easy to cure inshaaAllah

Mustafa Tamimi - RIP

I ran faster. I stopped. The youth I was so used to, the same ones who were always teasing and joking and smoking, were crying. One turned to me and groaned, “His head. His head is split into two!”


Every time the enemy strikes,
I feel the pain deep inside,
Every time a life is taken by a bullet,
I hear my soul as it cries,
Mustafa you are not alone,
You will forever be with us,
Our brother till the death,
Your soul battles on by our side.

For you she opens her heart and she cries,
You are the pride of Filasteen,
Your blood blessed her soil,
Your life was lost in her name,
Your courage reflected all that a Palestinian should be,

Humanoids - Too smart for our own good

talking about my sigs, which at the mo is "who invented PJ's and why?"

Valkyrie so nicely BOTHERED to answer me saying:

Valkyrie wrote:
Oh and (reference to your signature): isn't it clear that the person who invented pyjamas invented it cos pyjamas are more comfortable than day clothes??? -if there was someone, cos I'm sure people just changed clothes to sleep in cos day clothes aren't always comfortable.

and here is my reply.

i would like you to thnk about this a step further...as in WHY WHY did they invent P's?
we got to the point where pj's were more comfy then day clothes, right?


they had to invent more comfy clothes coz the day clothese were not comfy.

still with me?


Exam time HELP PLEASE!!!

Assalaamu'alaikoum, need a few tips and tops about being studying/exam time but with the added Muslim Factor.

stuff like "keep your intention clean" blah blah..any tips,links,vids!! please!!!!!!

edit: HADITH HELP PLEASE!! im looking for the hadith about using youth before old age, time before you become busy etc.. jazakAllah for any help!!

For me

For me,
-the happiness of a child i've never met
-the thought that an orphan will eat tonight
-the idea that a child will learn something that will save his or her life
-the concept of giving hope to children who have seen what no child should have ever seen

for me, this is more important than writing a personal statement about how amazing i am because of the life opportunities that have come my way that i have no control over, its more important than selling myself to a university which only wants the top of everything and dont really care about Lilly, its more important than summarizing my life in 4,000 words.

so, during charity week. i didnt touch my personal statement and devouted myself to this cause. to what mattered.

