LookingToSee's blog

Secrets of the heart 1

we spend too much time on body, when the leader of the body is the HEART and this is what we need to focus on.

the body will always go wrong as long as the heart is neglected

how to get the heart in a good state?

the heart has two forces/powers/abilities:
-comprehension/knowledge all intellectual faculties <<< about what the heart can contain/possess

-love/inclination <<< about the impact the heart has on other things.

if theses two forces used wrongly - lead to misery, sadness, frustrated heart. this is the inevitable outcome.

if we do not use the heart for ITS PURPOSE - we will destroy it.
e.g: using a small car to carry heavy loads - in long run it will cause you more trouble than good

RE: the danger of covering for men.

at first i didnt really get the title. but i think its slowly making sense... Biggrin

here are extracts of the article that i found really thought provoking and that i wanted to share.

I looked out at the audience. “This is hijab, ladies. And no, it’s not for men. It’s for you. It protects you from yourself, and keeps you focused on what you need to be focused on whenever you go out. Instead of,” I smiled humorously, “distracting yourself while you hope to distract others.” I paused. “And perhaps regretting it for the rest of your life.”

Whatever Allah asks us to do...

...—whether we are male or female— its purpose is to purify our own souls. But its benefit is for the society as a whole


Opinions? yes? no?


I’ve felt for quite some time that it’s unfair, and sometimes dangerous, to explain anything in Islam in the wrong way…

Especially matters requiring our compliance to Allah’s laws.

Our first response to any question of why we do something should be simply that Allah told us to. Thereafter we are free to, as I did with the college audience, give an analogy to demonstrate some benefit or wisdom. But we should never imagine that the benefit or wisdom we see is the reason we do something in Islam.

I will finish my food - because you dont have any

i know thats the right thing to do. we shouldnt waste, and even if we did waste it wouldnt help/not help the people who dont have food. but, we shouldn't waste.

but i've forgotten the principle, or whatver its called. I've forgotten..why we do it?

can people just throw idea on the topic so i can remember what i forgot?

Much appreciated, Lills

Patience and Gratitude by Ibn Qayyim - An Abridged Translation

I would like to first and foremost advice all of you to get hold of the book and read it as I found in extremely beneficial and inshaaAllah you will too.

Chapter 1
* Definition of Patience
-Abu 'Uthman: "the one who has patience is the one who has trained himself to handle difficultie"
-Amr Ibn Uthman al-Makki: "Patience means to keep close to Allah and to accept calmly the trials He sends, without complaining or feeling sad"
-Al-Khawwas: "patience means to adhere to the Qur'an and Sunnah"
-"Patience means to refrain from complaining"
-Ali Ibn Abi Talib "patience means to seek Allah's help"

-To Allah - doesnt contradict patience
-to people (words, behaviour, look) - contradictory to patience


do i have to...

Do i have to live in this world where the true "service" sector is no longer? where everything is about money, about gaining money, no matter if it is at the expense of others?

if there nothing i can do to change this?

Do i have to live in this world where they make cars to break down in a few years, where they create models with defects on purpose so you buy the new one? where nothing is done for the sake of it.

Do i have to live in a world where the chasm between "charity" and the rest of the world gets wider and wider.
where charity becomes more and more a standing alone building, that people visit once in a while or not at all if they chose not to.

do i have to live in a world where you get suspicious if someone offers you a ride on a pouring down day?
