Reminding myself as i'm getting lost - Purpose in life



“And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone). I seek not any provision from them not do I ask that they should fee Me. Verily, Allah is the All-Provider, Owner of Power, the Most Strong.” (51:56-58)


We were not created to live, sleep, eat and drink in the life of this world only, and there is nothing after this worldy –life. The life of this world is only a transitional stage, where we are then transported to the next life and our only provisions therein are our righteous actions. So in this life we live, then we die and then we will be resurrected to be recompensed or rewarded for our deeds.

Worship is the purpose for which mankind and jinns were created. And the proof for the resurrection, recompense and reward are shown in many verses throughout the Qur’an; also it is something that is proven by the intellect, that it is not befitting of the wisdom of Allah, the Most High, that He will being this amazing creation into existence and subject it to the children of Adam then afterwards leave them to die and perish without being brought to account or rewarded for their actions. Then all of this would be for nothing, rather it necessitated that the results for these actions will be dealt with in the hereafter.

Due to this, you find from amongst the people a man who devoted his whole life in worship and obedience to Allah whilst being poor and in deed; and he has been mistreated and pressured and has received no reward for any of his actions in the life of this world. And there is the opposite, a man who disbelieves and denies and spends his life in enjoyment by being given what he desires and embarking on all types of crimes which Allah has prohibited; he oppresses the people by transgressing against them and taking their wealth unlawfully and killing them without just right. Then this individual dies and nothing of punishment befalls him. Is this befitting of Allah’s justice and wisdom that He leave the one who is obedient without being rewarded and the one who disbelieved without being punish? This is not befitting of the justice of the Most-High and due to this God has made the home of the hereafter a place wherin the good doer will be compensated for his good and the evil doer will be brought to account for his evil.


So the life of this world is the place of actions and the hereafter is the place of recompense either with Paradise or Hellfire; and Allah did not leave us without a purpose like the Deniers and the ‘Dhaarieen’ (i.e. the people who believe only time will destroy us) believe.


Allah said in the noble Quran:


“And they say: “There is nothing but our life of this world, we die and we live and nothing destroys us except Ad-Dahr (TIME). And they have no knowledge of it: they only conjecture.



Taken from the Book:

The Tree Treatise, Explained by: Shaikh Dr. Saalih Al-Fowzaan
(Authentice Statements Publications)

Shared by the Moderation International Quran Institute for women



Jazakallah khairun for this much needed reminder, it's easy to get distracted from our purpose in this life. It should be that everything we do, from our basic animalistic instincts like eating to survive should even be for the sake of Allah. 
It is then that our animalistic desires also start to become angelic and an act of worship. 
Need to remind ourselves often insha Allah. 
May Allah guide us all. Ameen

Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH