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Israel to kick out 30,000 bedouin arabs.

hile attention is focused on the Palestinian Authority’s UN recognition initiative, Israel is quietly taking hugely significant steps to transfer 30,000 Palestinian Bedouin in the Naqab (Negev) desert from their ancestral lands.

Recently, Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, approved plans for another large-scale cleansing of the Bedouin community in the Naqab. The plan would “relocate” 30,000 of those who managed to remain on their land after more than two thirds of all Bedouin were uprooted during the establishment of Israel.


Milad Raza Qadri - Wohi Khuda Hai Volume 10 OUT NOW !!!

Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmutalahi wa Barakatuhu Brothers & Sisters,

We hope you all are in the best of health and imaan, InshaAllah.

*GOOD NEWS* Milad Raza Qadri is back with his melodious voice and unique style.

Alhamdulillah, the long awaited album 'Wohi Khuda Hai' has been released. Do not forget to buy your copies, or alternatively you can purchase the album from iTunes or from your local store.

To Purchase Album From Ebay Please Visit

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Anwar Al Awlaki has been killed?

Reports say that Anwar Al Awlaki was killed along with his companion in an US airstrike in Yemen.

Does anyone else have any more news on this subject? I actually heard about his alleged death just before Ramadhan, same exact story but only a few were speaking about it.

Also does anyone know how exactly they linked him with Al Qaeda? :?

All i know was that his lectures were very inspiring, (to come to deen, not for anything else) and that he was knowledgeable but not a scholar. Allah know best.

Edible shampoo?

Excuse the misleading title but

Can we use products such as shampoo etc that contain alcohol if we don't ingest it? We obv can't/don't get intoxicated on it, so what's the ruling?

Like, we can't eat pigs but I think most people think that wearing shoes made of pigskin is also not okay?

Cheers all.

End of the world soon?

So I was talking to some friends today, and apparently, Shaykh Muhammad al Yaqoubi and some shaykh Nazim, who I haven't heard of, have predicted that Imam mahdi might/will be at the coming Hajj.

Apparently the revolution in the middle East is a big sign as well? (They didn't say that, my friend did)

So yeah, could this be true? It's really scary.

Oh yeah AND another friend also said that supposedly anyone who doesnt have a pir should get one now or they're pretty much screwed. Is that true; do I NEED one??

Guilty: MP's Wife Stole Love Rival's Kitten

An MP's wife has been found guilty of burglary after being caught on CCTV stealing a kitten from the home of her husband's lover.

Jurors took just over five hours to convict Christine Hemming, 53, who snatched the cat three days after separating from Liberal Democrat John Hemming.

Mrs Hemming, who showed no reaction as the verdict was returned at Birmingham Crown Court, will be sentenced next month.

She was bailed to appear at the same court on October 28.

She was seen crawling on all fours in the garden on September 29 last year before entering the house.

Three minutes later she emerged with four-month-old Beauty under her arm. The cat has not been seen since.

Islamic Channel Noor TV fined £75,000 for charging viewers for prayers

Noor TV has been fined a hefty £75,000 after it broadcast a show allowing viewers to donate money to the channel in return for prayers for themselves or for their relatives.

A complainant was concerned that a programme exploited the audience by encouraging viewers to donate money to Noor TV in return for the channel arranging special prayers inside Prophet Muhammad's mosque in Medina. The complainant noted that many of the callers who donated money asked for prayers to be made to assist with their medical, financial and personal problems.

Hajj Guidance Event :: Oldham :: Thurs 29 Sept '11

Quranic Teachings and Hajj Guidance Seminar

Special Guest:
His Eminence Pir Sayid Riyaz Hussain Shah Sahib

On Thursday 29th September 2011, 7p.m.
At Nagina Jamia Masjid, 74 Werneth Hall Road, Coppice, Oldham, OL8 4BB

Separate facilities for sisters
Refreshments will be served

This event is especially recommended for any brothers or sisters intending to perform the Hajj pilgrimage.

English and Urdu flyers attached.

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Al-Qaida calls on Ahmadinejad to end 9/11 conspiracy theories

Terrorist organisation's magazine reportedly says it is 'ridiculous' for Iran's president to blame the attacks on the US government

Al-Qaida has sent a message to the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, asking him to stop spreading conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks.

Iranian media on Wednesday reported quotes from what appears to be an article published in the latest issue of the al-Qaida English language magazine, Inspire, which described Ahmadinejad's remarks over the 11 September attacks as "ridiculous".

Read more @ The Guardian

Baroness Flather: Polygamy, welfare benefits and an insidious silence

In this disturbing and brave exposé, a Pakistan-born baroness reveals how some of her countrymen have as many children as possible by several wives so as to milk our welfare system...

Behind the creation of the modern welfare state lay a noble ideal. The post-war generation of politicians and civil servants were motivated by the desire to protect the vulnerable, the sick and those in genuine poverty.

Tragically, over recent decades, the system has become corrupted. It might have once been a safety net for those in real difficulties but, today, parts of the benefits structure have become a lucrative racket for claimants who lack any sense of social responsibility.
