Gaza: One year of death, destruction and Carnage

Free Palestine Street Art - Rochdale

Free Palestine Street Art - Rochdale
"Free Palestine" Street Art - Rochdale

On 7 October 2023, I woke up early. For people that know me they will know what an unusual event that is.

As is usual, I turned on my social media and on twitter there were a load of posts about a breakout from Gaza.

There were a lot more posts from Israelis about a highway of death where Israelis had taken out hundreds of hamas members. Photos resembled how I had imagined that road in the Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait where all the vehicles were in one line.

We later found out that these dead were Israeli. Whether they were killed by Hamas or by Israeli helicopters is up for bitter dispute.

No one was really sure what had been going on at the time and as time went on people went into narrative overdrive. People told many stories, some of which are still common today.

However in the pit of my stomach I saw this as Hamas signing their death warrant where Hamas and the residents of Gaza will pay a very heavy price. Israel was the monster that was slowly killing Palestinians trying to keep it out of the spotlight but it would now do it quickly and have major (western) support.

I did not expect the depths of some of the media campaigns by its supporters. "40 beheaded babies" ran the headlines. As an exercise to the reader, go look at the names and details of the confirmed dead and count the number of babies. The dead are documented and any headlines or sources mentioning any other figures are not only lying, any other story coming from the same places should also be questioned and treated with a grain of salt.

This is ignoring who even killed them, whether it was Hamas or whether it was Israel's Hannibal doctrine.

One year on we are in a world where Israel has shown its true face - it is no longer hiding it. But what has been shocking is that the face of the "western world" has also been exposed. They have been fully comlicit in genocide.

Those might sound like exaggerations, but British and US planes fly off the coast of Israel to carry out signals intelligence and to pick targets and weapons meant to only be used agains major military installations are shipped to Israel like candy. The airforces of the US, UK, France and their arab allies are used to shield Israel of any consequences.

I always views the Iranian as a dog that was all bark and no bite, which has shown itself to be a pretty accurate assessment. They (like the Egyptian army were against their own citizens in 2013) are giants when killing unarmed civilians or lightly armed resisters, but meek as mice when faced with what they call their true enemy. and incompetent beyond measure.

Saudi Arabia is fully on board with the extermination, Crown Prince and defacto ruler Mohammed Bin Salman is happy to be rid of Palestinians and his regime has not suffered any great revolt from its citizens.

UAE is loving it. They are like the Dajjaal, always on the side of the oppressor. They even saw this as an excuse to fund their own parallel genocide in the Sudan.

Egypt is both powerless, comoliant and also at the mercy of Israel since its western and Israel backed coup in 2013.

Turkey has been brought to its knees due to poor financial situation mostly by Saudi Arabia and the UAE. It has however tried to create a united front, but even that has been sabotaed by atleast Saudi and UAE, who would not even agree to preventing resupply of Israel from American bases in their territories.

Hezbollah in the past year has probably killed more Syrian women and children than IDF soldiers in the past year. Even when it was being pummeled by Israel, it was striking Idlib. They might be able to inflict damage to israeli soldiers during Israel's re-invasion of South Lebanon but that also comes at the price of more misery for the already suffering Lebanese.

The muslim "powers" have failed in their duties and individuals are powerless to do anything against an established and organised militia that has prompt support from the US and UK.

I do not know what will happen next, but I have noticed that within a decade all the parties that played with Syrian lives (from Russia, to Assad to Ukraine, to Hezbollah, to the Iranian IRGC) have been humiliated within a decade of their impunity. Only the Americans seem to have survived unscated so far.

I do dua that Israel's humiliation arrive sooner, as otherwise we may be left with a Gaza devoid of any Palestinians.
