Forum Topics

Six Injured In Dale Farm Eviction Violence

Police say they are now in control of an illegal traveller site in Essex - after six protesters were injured during the eviction of residents.

We are now in control and have a peaceful situation and want to bring this to a close," Essex Police Supt Trevor Roe said.

Police came under attack after they entered through the side and rear of the sprawling site at 7am on Wednesday.

"No officers were injured, there is calm on the site and officers will continue to assist Basildon Council

Two protesters were Tasered by police and three have so far been arrested during the eviction process.

Supt Roe said police believe most violence from people on the site came from activists rather than travellers living at Dale Farm.

Twins of Faith Event

Date: Saturday November 19th
Time: 10am - 9pm
Location: Excel London
Host: Al Kauthar courses

Don't miss the BIGGEST event of the year at the Excel in London. Amazing speakers from around the world, Nasheeds, Poetry, Bazaar, Exhibitions, workshops, Kids zones & More!!!

Dr Tawfique Choudhury
Sheikh Nooman Ali Khan
Sheikh Abu Abdissalam
Sheikh Zahir Mahmood
Sheikh Navaid Aziz
Sheikh Ala El Sayed
Junaid Jamshed
Boona Mohammed
& much much more!

Marriage workshop with Sheikh Ala El Sayed
Dawah worshop with iERA
Careers workshop with Rolls Royce, Accenture, Gatehouse Bank, Sisters Creative Writing Workshop, Productive Muslim Workshop

Little Explorer Land:

Al Shabaab being pushed back in SOmalia as Kenya invades

A push by the Kenyan military into Somalia has been slowed by heavy rain, a military spokesman said on Tuesday.

Kenya has acted – saying it has the right to defend itself – after a rash of kidnappings of Europeans by Somali militants inside Kenya.

As the Kenyan ground forces made slow progress towards a strategic Somalia town, the country's defence and foreign ministers arrived in Mogadishu for talks.

Read more @ The Guardian

Lets hope this goes well - al Shabaab need to be dealt with quite urgently, but they have been causing chaos for a long time now.

Britain has Child Beggars

Wed 19 Oct 2011 21:00


Meet 'Alice'. She is a four-year-old child out on the streets of London begging hours on end, day in, day out. 'Alice' is just one of Britain's Gypsy child beggars, and she can earn hundreds of pounds a day.

A special Panorama investigation uncovers the truth about these children. Reporter John Sweeney tracks down the begging gangs to luxury homes in Romania, where he confronts the adults forcing the children to beg.

Ramadan 2012

Ramadan is the holiest month in Islam which Muslims fast for 30 days and nights. Fasting or 'Sawm' as it is pronounced in Arabic, is the third pillar of Islam and is the duty of all Muslims who are of age and in good health to perform this act.

In the Qur'an it says:

"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (The pious)".
- Qur'an chapter 2:183

The messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said:

"The gates of Hell are closed, the gates of Paradise are opened, and the devils are in chains. An angel calls out: 'O you who intend to do good deeds, have glad tidings. O you who intend to do evil, refrain, until Ramadan is completed."

Caste System - an ISLAMIC perspective

short and straight to the point. alhamdoulillah, may Allah reward this sister.

Islam, the Caste System and Marriage

One of the things that has become apparent to me in the last few years, and reared its ugly head again very recently, is the question of caste. You may be thinking “we are Muslim’s what on earth has caste got to do with us?” South Asian Muslims, certainly Muslim’s in Pakistan and I am pretty sure in India too, have a tradition of slotting people into castes according to their family occupation.

Cabinet ministers said there's no evidence that Adam Werritty influenced Govt. policy

Cabinet ministers have said there is no evidence that Adam Werritty influenced Government policy

Detectives are also considering investigating Mr Werritty over allegations of fraud.

Werritty gave out business cards saying he was an adviser to Dr Fox. If that is not the case and he was getting money - for whatever purpose - by misrepresenting his relationship with the Defence Secretary, that cannot be right

Labour MP John Mann

Unity Foundation Event | ‘Supplication and Prayers Upon the Prophet Muhammad’ – With Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa | PRESTON

‘Verily, Allah and His Angels send blessings on the Prophet: O you who believe! Send blessings on him, and salute him with a worthy salutation.’ - Qur’an 33:56

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As-salamu alaykum.

We pray this reaches you in a state of well-being.
In the spirit of achieving closeness to the Prophet Mohammad (sallalahu alayhi wa alihi wasalam), you are cordially invited to join Unity Foundation for an inspiring Lecture entitled ‘Supplication and Prayers Upon the Prophet Muhammad’ – by Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa (Liverpool).

Should Muslim Celebrate Halloween

Pagan Origins of Halloween

Halloween originated as the Eve of Samhain, a celebration marking the beginning of winter and the first day of the New Year among ancient pagans of the British Isles. On this occasion, it was believed that supernatural forces gathered together, that the barriers between the supernatural and human worlds were broken. They believed that spirits from other worlds (such as the souls of the dead) were able to visit earth during this time and roam about. At this time, they celebrated a joint festival for the sun god and the lord of the dead. The sun was thanked for the harvest and given moral support for the upcoming "battle" with winter. In ancient times, the pagans made sacrifices of animals and crops in order to please the gods.
