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Im finding it so hard to get a balance right now, really hard and i dnt knw how to change it!

I guess since i just started uni it might take me a while to get a routine going, but tbh i dont think i even had the right balance before. But i want it, i need it or i shall fear for the little bit of sanity tht i DO posses! The plus side this time is tht im slightly more organised and not as lazy.


Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed will insha Allah visit Bolton and Rochdale between Fri 14 - Sun 16 October


BOLTON & ROCHDALE: Fri 14 - Sun 16th October

Fri 14th Oct

>> BOLTON: Jami'ah Darul Qur'an
Jamiah Darul Quran, 454-460 Bridgeman St, BL3 6TJ

After Isha (8:15pm) | For Brothers Only

Live broadcast on

Sat 15th Oct

>> ROCHDALE: The Bungalow (opposite Central Masjid Rochdale) - Ladies Bayan
William Street, OL111HJ

11am | For Sisters Only

Live broadcast on

>> ROCHDALE: Central Masjid Rochdale (Idara Masjid)
Mere Street, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL11 1HH

Dave Launches Plans To End Sham Marriages and wants to tighten immigration


He wants to ensure those coming to the UK are genuinely here for family reasons, that they can speak English and they do not have to "scrape by, or worse, to subsist on benefit".

Mr Cameron said a sample of more than 500 family migration cases found over 70% of UK-based sponsors earned less than £20,000 a year after tax.

Explaining why couples should have to do more to prove they are genuine, he gave the example of a Pakistani national who applied for a spouse visa on the basis of his marriage to someone settled in the UK.

The man obtained indefinite leave to remain and then immediately divorced his UK-based spouse, returned to Pakistan and re-married and then applied for entry clearance for his new spouse.

Forced marriages

Help Babar Ahmad!

Please spare a few minutes for an innocent man who has served seven long years of his life in high security prison, despite of having no charge or conviction of any kind against him, awaiting extradition and a subsequent trial in a country he has never set foot in. The extradition request is based on the same evidence gathered during 2003 raid, which the British courts of justice found insufficient to charge Babar Ahmad with any crime.

Babar's family and friends have initiated a petition campaign on the government's website demanding that Babar must be tried in this country, where crime is supposed to have been committed. The petition MUST get at least 100,000 signatures before 10/11/2011 for the parliament to consider this issue.



I have Hajj on my mind at the moment.

Why do we leave it so late? Why is everything else in the world more important to do hajj?

Why do people claim that they cant afford it, but can afford a house, new car, getting married, getting through uni etc

Why is getting married, going Uni, getting a job, having babies, getting children through Uni, getting them married all priotised before hajj?

Is Hajj any more or less of a Fard act then reading Salaah?

During Hajj, why are the largest group of elderly people the Pakistani's and the youngest the Indonesians?

Lastly, when do you see yourself doing Hajj?

p.s. Admin get some Haj articles up on the main site.


Pirates 'bring shame on Somalia'

Just ran across this story: Pirates 'bring shame on Somalia'.

I think they have it wrong - it is the world's shame that brought pirates to Somalia.

The Somali pirates at one point were honest do good hard working fishermen when major ship companies decided that it was ok to dump toxic waste off the shores of Somalia - and since Somalis had no functioning government (a situation which was also facilitated by the world at large), there was no one to stop the illegal dumping of waste.
